16 Twins

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After eating Scorpius instantly fell asleep. He didn't think it was going to be possible but it must've been the familiarity of home. That and the fact the short moment where he literally thought he was going to die from a massive creature in the middle of the Black House really took the energy out of him. When he woke up again, he changed into a dark hoodie, trying to flatten his hair a bit with his fingers before walking out of his room. There was the distant sound of soft laughing and chatter downstairs, so he followed the voices. Raven and Albus were in the study, where books lined all walls. They sat in two of the four chairs there, sticky notes on their foreheads with words on them.

"Am I human?" Albus asked, referring to the game they were playing. Raven smiles a bit.

"Humanish." She answers, drinking from her cup an orange liquid that looked like Thai tea. Scorpius walked forward and sat in the chair beside her, she looked up to greet him with a smile. He could read the word on her sticky note in Albus's neat handwriting; Professor Longbottom. On Albus's note, the name 'Narcissa Malfoy' was written in Raven's scrawl. Scorpius tried not to smile. He gestured for his sister's tea, and she passed it to him to try. Scorpius raised his socked feet up on the coffee table, leaning back.

"Am I a male?" Albus wondered, shooting the next question. He was deep in thought. Raven snorted and shook her head. Potter clicks his tongue. "Your turn." The brunette boy had changed into a simple red tee shirt which hung off him a little big, but had keep his dark jeans on. He took a drink of his coffee, seeming to resign himself from contemplating while Raven asked her questions.

"Do I go to Hogwarts?" She offered. Albus nodded, setting the coffee cup down on the table.

"Kind of, yes." He agrees. Raven bites her lip, looking over at her brother. Scorpius held up his hands like he wasn't going to help. She took her tea back, earning a scowl.

"Okay." Raven thinks for a little bit. "Am I a Professor?" She wonders, and he nods. "Am I Professor Slughorn?"

"No." Albus responds. Raven shrugs, gesturing for him to ask his questions. Scorpius gets up to head to the kitchen, in search to make his own tea. It was a large kitchen in comparison to others. Marble countertops and large clean appliances. There use to be employed cooks, but then Draco married his mom Astoria and she insisted on cooking herself. Guess she always liked to cook for her family, even when she was feeling ill due to the curse. After she died Draco never got around to hiring someone else, and Scorpius and Raven started doing it themselves. He didn't like to cook, but it was fun to do with someone else.

He makes himself a Thai tea from the leaves in the cabinet. By the time he returns the two teens are arguing. "I know you cheated, there's no way you would've guessed it so quickly!" Raven snapped, ripping the sticky note off her forehead. Scorpius quietly sat down, and they pretended to not have even seen him.

"Yeah? And pray tell, how did I cheat?" Albus retorts, his own sticky note in the palm of his hand.

"I don't know but you did. You mumbled something under your breath." Raven ripped her note in two and dramatically slapped the two halves onto the coffee table. Scorpius looked from his sister to Albus, taking a drink of his tea. Raven snapped her harsh cold eyes onto Scorpius, and he wanted to curl up under her gaze.

"I wasn't in here." He defends himself. Albus rolled his eyes.

"Have you considered that maybe I'm just good at the game?" Albus's tone was rather snappy. Raven got to her feet and left swiftly, seemingly annoyed with both of them. When she left the boys were silent. Then finally Scorpius asked.

"Did you cheat?" He rose one dark eyebrow, studying Potter.

"What do you think?" The phrase was defensive. Scorpius pursed his lips, thinking for a moment. Albus stood up, putting the sticky note under his coffee cup and going to the bookshelf to grab a thick dark covered book. The title was 'Casting Dark Charms; The Protective and Offensive'.

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