20 Saunder

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Scorpius's feet thudded down the stairs and he tightened the tie around his neck. The doorbell rang again and he rolled his eyes. The party was barely starting and he already wanted it to be over. Raven beat him to the front door, dressed in a white dress which came up just above her knees. It was long sleeved. Her hair was done in two braids, silver flowers entwined in the strands. She pulls the door open, and her smile disappears. "Oh, it's you." Scorpius reaches the bottom of the stairs and joined her in the entryway, looking at the first arrival. Before him stood Michael Greengrass. His cheeks were sunken in and his figure looked frail compared to Malfoy, even though he was taller. Actually, he was a little freaky looking. Which is why he didn't fit into any crowds when he went to Hogwarts. He graduated last year. He kept to himself. People didn't like him, he gave people the creeps.

His hair was a soft brunette, but it looked almost smoky and defeated, hanging without life off his head down to his shoulders. His eyes were grey. Thin lips pulled back into a sick smile when he sees the Malfoys. He was dressed head to toe in black, exaggerating his body shape. "Hello cousins." He lets himself in, pushing past both of them. "Looks like I'm early."

"Or everyone else is late." Scorpius retorts, not knowing the exact time. He finishes with his tie and crosses his arms over his chest. Raven shuts the front door and gives him a sideways glance before leaving the boys alone. The manor was decorated in white, matching the snow outside. Food was set up on silver platters on several different surfaces in the entrance hall. It looked more like they were hosting a ball rather than a simple party. "I thought you were leaving to Africa. You wouldn't shut up about working with Nundus last time I saw you." Scorpius tells Michael, gesturing for him to make himself at home. He hangs up his black jacket on the hooks in the entry and then walks into the large room like he owned it.

"I did. The Nundu reserve hired me on as a caretaker. I'm only here for the party." He paused, grabbing a glass of wine. "After all, it's rather unorthodox to not oblige an invitation from the Malfoy's." Michael looked like something that's been dead for a couple weeks, then came right out of it's coffin and put on some clothes to go out for the night. His words had two meanings, his tone was often devoid of emotion. Was he being sincere, or being rude? No one could tell.

"You're quite right." Scorpius agrees simply. Soft music played as more guests arrived. The manor begun to fill up. Mostly noble pure bloods. The ones who were prejudiced even. Even though the wizarding world was a lot more open about muggleborns and half-bloods, there will always be those who weren't. Scorpius stood beside his father Draco, if only because he didn't want to socialize with Michael. And certainly wasn't going to be left alone with Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. His 'grandparents' weren't exactly on his list of favorite people. Especially since their motives could be questioned. And their favoritism.

It wasn't long before Hermione Granger-Weasley showed up. She was the Minister of Magic, after all. Plus, Draco was trying to win her favor back from him being under investigation and all. Though when Harry Potter walked in with the woman, Scorpius immediately assumed that Draco was now out of the frying pan. He was right, probably. They were having an affair with eachother. How scandalous. Draco seemed to notice their arrival as soon as Scorpius did. They shared a look. Draco looked amused and Scorpius smiles a bit. He could appreciate the sneakiness of Draco Malfoy, probably even more now that he wasn't so focused on trying to impress him.

It may sound weird, but they actually had gotten on better since Raven threatened Draco and abandoned Scorpius. Perhaps because they weren't pretending anymore. They had no reason to try and get along at all. So now, they just did. Perhaps not very smoothly, but it was better than before. The week of Christmas break leading up to this party had been very smooth sailing. They'd joke and talk about random things. Things they probably never would've talked about before. It also probably has something to do with the fact Raven ignored both of them. She found herself leaving the house to hang out with Ashton or her other friends. Even Christine. It left the boys alone most days and when Draco was at work then just Scorpius remained.

Soldiers and Serpents //ScorbusTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon