21 Resolve

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"Here." Scorpius sits down at the small table in the kitchen that seated two. Beside him Albus took the mug offered. "Chamomile tea helps to sleep."

"Thanks." Albus smiles, looking up where Oliver was standing on the kitchen counter in socks. He had a pair of Scorpius's sweats on, that fit him actually because Scorpius buys his sweats so that they are long on him, drag on the floors slightly when he walks. He was in a long sleeve grey shirt. Another one of Scorpius's. Both the boys were in his pajamas. So was Scorpius. He would have to do laundry this weekend. "What is he looking for?"

"Chocolate frogs." Scorpius responded, looking over at Albus with a snort. "Or some other sweet that muggles don't have."

"You got me addicted to them, Malfoy. Don't blame me for my obsession with Cauldron cakes." Oliver replies, almost sing-songy as he finds blood flavored lollipops. "Clearly no one has gone to Honeydukes since I've been here. You're a disgrace." He closes the top cabinet and gets down to sit on the counter. "These are two years old, you know?" Oliver realizes, pouting.

"There's tons of stuff from the party." Scorpius begins, getting up to open the fridge. The party ended about an hour ago, everyone had left. Oliver insisted on going to the kitchen- of course. And Albus itched with the desire to see the two of them interact. So far it had been smooth sailing. "Cold fudge? You like chocolate." He pulls out a platter, turning to set it down on the counter beside Olly.

"Of course I like chocolate, I'm not an imbecile." Oliver picks a small square up, putting it on his tongue. He hums in delight. "Better than sex." Scorpius rolled his eyes, unable to stop a smile from flitting across his features.

"How would you know?" Scorpius joked. Oliver narrows his hazel eyes at him.

"Is that your subtle way of asking if Taylor took my virginity, S?"

"Oh my- ignore him. He's gross." Scorpius tells Albus, shaking his head. Oliver laughs.

"Taylor is....?" Albus pries, curious now. He gets up to come over closer to the other boys, sitting at a stool at the kitchen counter.

"My ex." Oliver answers, eating another piece of fudge. "This is really rich." He gestures to the chocolate desert. "Who made it?"

"Raven." Scorpius replies. "So why did Taylor break up with you?"

"Scorpius don't be rude." Albus warned. Oliver gave a soft smile at the brunette boy, like in appreciation.

"He may look like he needs defending, Potter, but he doesn't." Scorpius tells him, looking back at Oliver. He stood beside him, head tilted up to meet his eyes. Softer, "Why?" Oliver shrugged. Albus frowned, was only trying to be nice.

"He thought that I was too clingy. And I guess I get jealous." Oliver didn't sound super emotional about it. Even though it was obvious to the blonde boy that he was. Oliver has always been really passionate and emotional, but good at hiding it from strangers. "It's whatever." He shrugged, signaling an end to the conversation. Scorpius put the rest of the fudge back in the fridge. He was lying. For Oliver to show up here meant he was really struggling. Even if no one could tell.

"You deserve better." Albus speaks up. "Sometimes boyfriends are clingy and every relationship should have a little bit of jealousy. Personally I find jealousy as a positive trait." He explains. Oliver nods in agreement.

"I do too. I guess it was just weird because I never thought of myself as jealous." Oliver looks over at Scorpius, but the boy wasn't paying attention. "Usually my boyfriends had been more- well." Oliver stops himself. "Actually I guess I don't have a real relationship to compare Taylor too. Everything before that was just..."

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