34 Albus

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Albus's POV

"He's always opened up to me, but now Xavier is just pulling away completely." Christine explains as they walk down the hallways side by side a couple days later. Albus carried his books in his arms, an additional bag hanging by his side. He was on his way to the library to help tutor Lysander. And Christine has actually become a friend so she usually accompanied him on the way.

"Well he's dating now, isn't that what you told me? That older guy from Hogsmeade right?" Albus wondered, trying to recall their previous conversations. As much as he was trying to invest in the discussion, his mind was focused on something else. The only thing his mind is ever focused on; Scorpius Malfoy. The most terrifying and attractive student in Hogwarts and yet he, Albus Potter, was the one kissing him in janitors closets like some sort of cringe high-school romance.

Albus didn't see the point of dating or wasting time on relationships in Hogwarts, especially since teenagers grow apart and usually split ways. But Potter never wanted a relationship with someone as much as he now did with Scorpius. He wanted to tie him down, and the boy thinks he's ready for that. But Potter was terrified that Scorpius wasn't. Cause that would be it; the step of coming out. Everyone finding out about them as boyfriends. Would Scorpius even be comfortable using that term? Was that too weird, since he'd been brainwashed into hiding his sexuality?

"What does him dating have to do with withdrawing from me?" Christine asks, her eyebrows furrowing together. They continued their slow walk alone though the hallways.

"Well doesn't relationships usually... make people stop hanging out with friends?" Albus replies, wanting to give advice but also kind of at a loss since he's never been in a relationship and has no idea how the mechanics work. Christine knew Potter wasn't the settled-down type, so she takes the liberty to explain instead of calling him daft- which is definitely what Raven would have done.

"Healthy relationships don't. When James and I were together we made time to hang out with friends. That's how it should be. If your world revolves around the other person, that's toxic. It's co-dependent." Christine says. "So it doesn't make sense why Xavier is shutting me out, regardless of if he's dating or not." She goes on, but Albus didn't reply, his thoughts straying. So was his obsession with Scorpius unhealthy? Did his world evolve around the Malfoy? No, definitely not. "Albus?"

"I'm sorry, what?" Potter realized he missed the last several things she said. Christine stops them in the hallway, turning to him.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I am. I'm just distracted. Xavier." Potter clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth. "Have you tried being honest with him? Telling him that you feel like the friendship is failing?"

"Of course, I have. But he doesn't care. It's like he's okay with not being friends anymore. Even though we practically grew up in the Ravenclaw tower together. Is it dumb to use time as an excuse to stay friends with someone?" Christine asks. Albus couldn't think which answer was the correct one; the one she wanted to hear. "Oh no, it is isn't it?" Speaking of time- was Scorpius and Albus moving too fast if they take the relationship jump? They barely starting hanging out the beginning of the school year. That's what? Not even a year. "Earth to Potter."

"Oh for Merlin's sake- I cant think." Albus stressfully runs hands through his combed hair. It felt dry under his touch.

"Scorpius isn't it?" Christine guesses. "What's up? I thought things were going well between you two." She is a know it all. Albus starts walking again, and they fall into step side by side. Christine's wedged shoes clicking on the stone floors.

"They are but it's been weeks and he hasn't even suggested we become more than, whatever we're doing. Isn't that weird? I'm ready to commit but I don't know how to tell him that. What if it spooks him?"

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