31 Potions

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Scorpius and Aries snuck back into the castle before dark. At this time most students were probably chatting, studying, or getting ready for bed. It was a few hours after classes, but before curfew. They walked down the hallways, passing a few students here and there. "You can sit with us at lunch if you want." Scorpius invites Aries. She gave him a strange look, gauging if he was serious or not.

"Thanks, but I'll pass. I'm not really the kind of person to make friends, as we established. And- no offense- but definitely not with Raven."

"You don't like Raven?" Scorpius was only somewhat surprised. With Raven, you either loved her or hated her. There was no in between. And most people were the latter.

"She's preppy, gossipy. She has her hands in everyone's business and their secrets and dirt. She decides if she likes you based on first impressions, and if she doesn't like you, she'll spread lies about you."

"But that's everything you've heard from other people, right?" He points out as they walk. Aries opens her mouth and then closes it, giving a half-nod shrug. "Well, just think about it." He suggests as they enter the Slytherin common room. She looks off in the direction of the girls dorms, heading that way.

"I'll let you know. Maybe I'll surprise you." She says over her shoulder.

"You already have." Scorpius replies, watching her go and then heading to the boy's dorms. When he enters he sees Daniel propped up on his pillows, in sweats and a hoodie, scrolling through his phone. Scorpius looks towards Albus's bed, but it was empty. That's weird; the boy usually studied in the dorms? He sets his bag down and pulls his coat off, wondering if Albus left cause he didn't want to be in the same room as Daniel. Considering his distaste for Scorpius's brother, that would make sense.

"Good evening." Daniel greets, not looking up from his phone. Scorpius's eyes flicked in his direction. Daniel's hair looked a little shorter, like he had trimmed it. It was dark, and drew out his dark eyes. Cypress's eyes, Cypress's hair. Scorpius's dark roots were growing in, he'd have to retouch them with magic before it was noticeable. "It's rude not to respond, brother."

"It's rude to call me 'brother' as though we are familiar." Scorpius retorts, leaning over his bed and opening different books looking for his homework due tomorrow. Where'd he misplace it?

"Oh, so now it bothers you?" Daniel places his phone face down on his bed, directing full attention to the blonde.

"Nope." Scorpius popped the word between his lips.

"So you just said that to be annoying?"

"Would it annoy you if I said yes?" Scorpius retorts, looking up with a slight smirk. Daniel's face relaxed a little at the expression.

"You're an ass." Daniel rolled his eyes, going back to his phone.

"Yes I am." Scorpius agrees, grabbing the page he was looking for. He sat on the edge of the bed, finding his phone to text Albus.

Where are you?

Potter responded immediately, leading the blonde to believe that he must've been on his phone instead of studying.

Albus: Gryffindor common room. My brother required a chaperone. He's having a breakdown

Scorpius: And Rose can't take care of that? You're in enemy territory, love

Albus: I require a knight in shining armor.

Scorpius: I'll let you know when I see one

Albus: Does that mean you'll be my Prince Charming instead?

Scorpius: What would that make you?

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