10 Friends

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Scorpius Malfoy's Black jeans soaked up to his knees as the two of them accidentally apparated into the swamp. There's a disgusted groan as Albus's pants soak through with dark water. "Don't be such a baby." Scorpius's lips spoke before his mind had time to stop him. Actually, he was rather grossed out himself. His blue grey eyes scanned the surroundings, and he shook the slight nausea he felt from the last teleportation. The boy looked towards the Neolithic buildings of Wiltshire, seeing that they had landed in the swamp not far from the Malfoy Manor. They'd have to trek a bit through town to get there.

Scorpius walked through the shallow pond and then stepped up onto harder ground, looking down at his soaked shoes. "You don't have to be a dick, you dragged me from Herbology to take a stroll through the mud." Albus's response was sour, and he sounded like his day couldn't get any worse. Scorpius thought it was funny, considering what he's been through recently. The Malfoy watched as the smaller boy trudged towards him. He offers a hand to help Albus out of the dark muddy water. Potter looks at the extended arm, seeming to contemplate how upset he was, then accepts the help.

"In my defense," Scorpius pulls Albus up, and waits until his feet are steady on firm ground before letting his hand go. "I wasn't about to walk into Daniel's house without backup. And the swamp was an accident. You can borrow some jeans when we get there." He looked down at Albus's pant legs. The brunette boy gestures to his father's cloak in his arms. It was wet as well. Scorpius didn't have an answer for that.

"Why didn't you bring Raven instead of me?" Albus asked. Scorpius ignored the question, and lead the way down the dirt road. His shoes thumping with each step, leaving a stream of water behind him. There's a soft sigh, a roll of the eyes, and then Albus is following the other boy towards the Manor. His unease grew with each step. The surrounding town may have been ancient looking and rather charming, but he felt like the buildings were looking at him. Scorpius could sense his unease, since he had grown up here he was use to the feeling. He slowed down to fall into step beside his friend.

After a few minutes of walking, Albus spoke again. "If you don't want to talk about Daniel, or Cypress Black... or why I'm here instead of your sister, then fine. But at least talk about something." He prodded. Scorpius lets out an annoyed sigh, fixating his gaze on where he was walking instead of the boy beside him. Albus's emerald eyes watched the other boy in concern. He carried his wand in one hand, and the other was empty, swaying slightly by his side as he walked. Albus was carrying the heavy material of the cloak, and it felt like with every step it gained a pound of weight.

"Fine. I don't want to tell Raven who I am. What blood I have doesn't change the fact we were raised together. We are siblings. I brought you instead because you already know everything. Mostly everything, at least." Scorpius pauses for a moment. "And honestly I don't think Raven retains a lot of Defense Against the Dark Arts. You seemed more suited for the task." Albus scoffed, loud and obnoxiously. It made Scorpius turn towards him with a raised eyebrow. Something he said?

"You've got to be kidding. I may not be bullied anymore, but I didn't suddenly grow assertive overnight. I'm still a pushover, Scorpius." He paused. The taller boy was about to interrupt but Albus kept going. "And you thought just because I knew the spells that I'd be able to cast them? Raven is like you. She might not have the same grades but she knows enough to make someone afraid of her. Why do you think I answered her summons on the first day I sat with you?" He deadpans, stopping in his tracks to have the conversation. Scorpius stopped as well, turning towards the boy who seemed a tad angry now. Was he trying to fight with him?

"Come on Potter, you're not actually scared of her-"

"And it's Albus. Don't call me Potter. You call everyone else by their first name, except for me." He points out. Scorpius was quiet, looking at the student before him who seemed to have lost his chill. Maybe it was the last straw. Maybe this time Scorpius had asked and said too much. Perhaps knowing that he was Voldemort's descendant wasn't as easy for Potter as he let on. His mind raced, wondering how to repair this situation before it escalated to Albus Potter dropping him. As a friend. As anything.

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