74 Albus

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Albus's POV

Tears dripped down his cheeks. His hair was damp from the rain, and his face felt cold and raw. His eyes stung from the crying. He wished he couldn't feel any of this. He wished he couldn't remember the events of the last half hour, but they were forever going to be on repeat in his head. After everything they'd been through. After all the fighting, and the working towards finally being back together- finally being at one with one another like they were last night.

How could he do this? How could Scorpius just- how could he leave? Albus was frustrated and upset and his heart was broken, he didn't even know everything that he was upset about yet, he just knew he was upset.

Across from him, sitting on another couch, was Raven Malfoy. She sat there silently, holding her arm in one hand. Harry said she had fractured her wrist when she fell. They were all waiting for someone skilled at healing spells to arrive. Right now, the physical pain helped ease the emotional pain. The gaping hole that Albus felt, he knew Raven had it worse.

She had no one. Albus stood up, and his legs nearly gave out from under him as he did. He steadied himself and then walked over to sit by her. Raven didn't even shift as he sat. "Did you know?" He asked her softly.

Raven said nothing. Albus nodded, that was an answer in this case. He put an arm around the small girl and pulled her close until she rested her head on his shoulder. "I'm not going anywhere, okay?"

"Thank you." Raven whispered. The first words she spoke since Scorpius had disapparated. Albus sniffled and continued to cry, not knowing what else to say. There was nothing he could say, after all. As the nurse finally entered, his father came with him. They sat up as the nurse began to use spells to fix their bruises and fractures.

"We need to take a statement on what happened." Harry Potter tells them both. Raven didn't even look at him. He looked at his son expectantly.

"We didn't know he was planning to do that." Albus told his dad. "And neither of us are up to talking about it." Harry Potter nodded, looking at Raven and then back to Albus, gesturing to the blonde beside him. "We're fine." There was an edge to Albus's voice. Typical, that Harry Potter seems to only show he cares after something like this. Real fucking typical.

"Well, let's get you home." The Auror gestures for him to stand. Albus doesn't budge.

"I'm staying with Raven."

"It's not appropriate for a fifteen-"

"Sixteen." Albus corrected. The man cleared his throat, clearly realizing he had forgotten his son's own age in that moment. "Raven can't go back to the Manor yet, which means she'll probably go back to the House of Black, right? So I'll go with her. We both need to get our stuff from here but I think we can manage to take care of ourselves. She's been doing it for awhile now, no thanks to you."


"Just don't." Albus didn't want to hear any apology or excuse. He didn't want to hear anything from him. Harry Potter shook his head.

"I only was going to tell you that The House of Black has been signed into Orion and Scorpius's name. So Orion will have to be okay with you being there-"

"I'm fine with it. Now go." Orion cut him off, appearing in the room. "We've all had enough for today." Harry Potter looked the black-haired boy up and down, then back to Albus and gave a curt nod as goodbye. The nurse finished up, and left the three of them alone in the study. Orion walked over and sat across from Albus and Raven. "I mean it. You're both welcome to stay. It feels weird if it was just me living there."

"You aren't staying with Andromeda?" Albus asked, keeping irritation out of his voice. Even though just the sight of Orion was annoying.

"I'll be switching from the House of Black to here occasionally. There's plenty of room, and I know Scorpius would've wanted you both there."

Soldiers and Serpents //ScorbusDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora