36 History

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Scorpius turns and looks at Albus. "Are you sure I don't need any scarves? How warm is it at your house?" He was nervously packing some clothes for the day and night they'd be at Albus's for his birthday. He was overthinking everything, even bringing scarves in case it was freezing- which Albus assures him that they kept the house warm. What if they ran out of firewood? Or the thermostat stopped working?

"Look not all families keep their homes the temperature of the manor. I know you're use to the Slytherin dungeons, but my house is always warm. You might want to bring tank tops." Albus suggests.

"Now I think you're just trying to convince me to wear the bare minimum clothing." Scorpius responds. He'd normally find this charming but he frowned. Scorpius was actually serious and very nervous. He liked that he would see where Albus lived and meet his parents- well he's met them before. And Harry Potter especially knows about him. But that's not the point. He didn't meet them officially like this. As Albus's boyfriend. It was a big deal, wasn't it? Would James be upset? And what if his little sister Lily didn't like him? They hadn't ever talked directly.

"Trust me Scorpius Malfoy," Albus walked over to him and set a hand on his waist, prompting the blonde to turn towards him. "When I want to see you naked, I'll just ask."

"Oh, you think it's easy to get me naked do you?" Scorpius smiles flirtatiously. Albus thinks about his answer before replying.

"If it's me asking, then yes." He scans his eyes up and down Scorpius, who flushed under the attention.

"I'm not that whipped." Scorpius defends himself, but couldn't help to laugh.

"'That whipped?' Of course not. How dare I say something of that nature about the Straight Malfoy Prince™️?" Albus mocks.

"Merlin's beard." Scorpius groans. "Don't call me that."

"It's too late. Straight Malfoy Prince™️ is you. That's what you are." He joked, putting clothes into his bag.

"Actually," Scorpius thinks about it. "I'm none of those things. More like... Gay Slytherin Heir." There's some silence and then their both laughing for no real reason.

"You're not gay gay. You're bisexual gay." Albus specifies.

"I'm with a boy. That's gay."

"You're still attracted to females. Your bisexual."

"Who cares?"

"Okay fine. You're gay with me. You were straight with Christine." Albus gives up. Scorpius sits by his half-empty bag, facing Albus who was deciding which book to take with him.

"Speaking of Christine. Do you really think I kiss like a coward?" Scorpius wonders. Albus laughs and shakes his head no.

"We just poke fun at you. You're the most skilled person over ever laid my lips upon." Potter tells him.

"That's poetic Potter."

"Piss off Malfoy."

"So how many people have you kissed then?" Scorpius wonders. "If I'm the most skilled." Albus gave a half-hearted shrug, like he didn't really know. "Seriously, I'm curious."

"Ever heard the phrase Curiosity killed the cat?" Albus offered thoughtfully, sitting on his own bed across the small area.

"Of course. I watch muggle entertainment, I understand most phrases. But I'm not a cat, and even if I were, I'd have nine lives." Scorpius replies.

Albus rolled his green eyes. "Whatever." He tapped his fingertips on the surface of his phone and then adds on. "I don't know how many. A couple I guess."

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