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Scorpius's POV

The air was crisp. Scorpius couldn't feel it but he could see the huddled forms of cold figures, burrowing into their cloaks. Red faces and shivering. He walked forward through the cemetery, wondering how he had gotten here. He wore his pajamas, and the air didn't bother him. In fact, he couldn't feel the chill at all. Grass crunches under foot as he went deeper into the cemetery. His eyes caught sight of a large reaper-like statue, and he walked towards it. Something about it drawing him in. His grey eyes scanned the stone, looking for a name. And he finds it. Thomas Riddle. The muggles? Scorpius instantly stepped back, realizing with a jolt where he was- this was where Voldemort regained his body.

He scanned the clearing, heart beginning to pound in his chest. Why was he here? How had he gotten here? The platinum blonde walked towards another statue, ready to read it when a blinding flash of light came from nowhere. He looked up, seeing two teenagers emerge from nowhere. Was that... Albus? Scorpius watched, trying to place where he had seen the other taller boy. He wore the colors of hufflepuff. Then Scorpius realized with a jolt what was happening. This was a dream- no, a memory- and he was succumbed to watching it unfold. Trapped, in his own mind. The platinum blonde boy backed up, his back hitting another tombstone. He watched as a young Harry Potter- a boy looking younger than him- sat up and conversed with the hufflepuff.

Scorpius scrounged in his brain for the name of the other boy, finally recalling it; Cedric. His blood pumped so loud he was sure the other boys could hear it. But like all the memories before, where other people seemed to not even see him. Like he wasn't there at all. Scorpius's hands shook, and his eyes flicked to another person coming into the scene. He recognized him from the Malfoy Manor before; Peter Pettigrew. And he was holding something. No, someone.

Harry winced in pain, holding the scar on his head. Scorpius's eyes were wide, and he watched as Peter zapped a green flash across the clearing, the sound of the Killing curse touching his ears. Cedric is thrown backwards, instantly dead. He watches as the man pinned Harry Potter against the statue; how it came to life and trapped him. Scorpius was frozen in terror. The feeling crept up his spine and had goosebumps crawl across his skin. Peter begin the ritual, dumping the remains of Tom Riddle into the cauldron. Scorpius winced as though he could feel the sting of pain himself as Peter sliced into Harry's arm, drawing a string of crimson.

Then the ritual was over, and the cauldron and stew inside changed form, contracting and enlarging. Scorpius watched in a mixture of amazement and horror at the figure before him. A reptilian and paper-like monster. The Dark Lord. He slowly walks over to Harry, who was seeming to be ignored now. The Potter boy was struggling against the stone that held him captive. If he just lost the glasses, both his sons James and Albus resemble him so clearly. Especially at the younger age. He felt bad for the boy, guilt creeping into his stomach like somehow this was Scorpius's own fault. When really he hadn't even been born yet.

"Welcome my friends." The words had Scorpius spinning back around, realizing cloaked figures had appeared in a semi-circle around the Dark Lord. He watches the scene unfold before him, and his eyes glued to his grandfather as his hood is removed. Blonde hair falls down past his shoulders. Lucius Malfoy. Scorpius's heart clenched, and he walked towards the man, knowing he couldn't be seen but still wishing to reach out and hug him one last time.

"Grandfather." Scorpius spoke, but it sounded distant and through clouds. Like he was in another dimension, or was a ghost who couldn't speak with the living. Lucius showed no sign of even hearing it.

"You're not meant to be here." The voice slithered across the clearing. Scorpius turned to see Nagini, Tom Riddle's snake. It took him a moment to realize that she was talking to him.

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