43 Breathe

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When they returned to the dorms Scorpius fell asleep cuddling with Albus, not even bothering to care what anyone would think. He probably wouldn't have slept at all if he'd been alone. And it was a dreamless, blissful night. He blinked awake, grey eyes adjusting to see how the sun was just starting to come up, light barely spilling though the room. He realized he had to meet Aries this morning, and huffed softly. Scorpius's legs were entwined with Albus's, and his arms were in a relaxed hug. Albus's arms were pulled into himself, hands close to his face. Scorpius just watched him sleep for a few minutes.

Soaking in the quiet and warmth, the closeness to Albus. Who's features were more round when he was sleeping and his hair was pushed out of his face, in a rather untamed way. Eyelashes looked longer and darker in the morning too, half crescents that hid those pretty eyes. His hands were tucked into the long sleeve he'd fallen asleep in. A shirt that was a little bigger on him than it should be. Albus was in between men's sizes. So his shirts were either a little baggy, or way too baggy. The ones much larger were James's hand-me-downs. If he sized down, the shirts would be too tight.

The custom fit Scorpius had ordered for him based on measurements for Formal is what fit him best. But Albus was so accustomed to the larger fit that he felt it was too tight. Scorpius smiled at the memory, scanning Albus's sleepy face. How had he ended up with someone this perfect? Scorpius finally got out of bed, eyes looking around the room. It was Friday, so many students pushed the alarm to the last minute, trying to sleep in as much as possible since they were exhausted from the week.

Daniel was already out of bed and the dorms. Which wasn't surprising; he'd made a habit of avoiding any sort of conversation with Scorpius. And Scorpius didn't mind. He quickly dressed, tucking his phone and wand in his back pocket and making sure the Marauders Map was in his school bag before leaving.

The boy paused before leaving the Common room, eyes catching sight of the merpeople swimming by in the lake. Nothing but magic and glass separating the dungeon from those dark waters. This morning the sun was casting a glow though the water and windows, Scorpius couldn't help but stop to admire it. He didn't stop long, and found himself walking through the corridors quickly. There were students out and about, and he passed a group of mixed ravenclaw and hufflepuff girls on his way outside the castle. Aries had said to meet him by the lake.

He buttoned his black coat as he stepped into the brisk morning air. But it would be warming up soon; spring had cold days but during the afternoons it grew warm enough for just a tee shirt. He definitely didn't miss Quidditch practice in warm weather. The glaring sun turning his pale skin red. He squinted in the light, starting across the grass and down towards the tree line. But the boy didn't get halfway to the trees before something hits him from behind.

He cried out in shock, falling forward and barely catching his body with his arms. It had been magic. A stunning spell. His head swam, and he willed it into focus, letting his bag fall off his arm. Scorpius grabbed his wand and scrambled to his feet, turning to face who had blatantly attached him. What did he expect? Of course it was Daniel.

"Are you mad?" Scorpius snapped at him, raising his wand towards him, skin prickling with unease. Daniel shrugged.

"I was just announcing myself. Off to find Aries, are you?" Daniel's wand was raised as well. Long and of light colored wood. It almost reminded Scorpius of bone. An extension of his own hand. Scorpius let the pressure build in him, his wand not wavering as Daniel took a few steps closer. Still keeping good distance between them. Scorpius didn't reply to his taunt. "I know she's been training you." His voice was almost... amused. "Did you honestly think you'd help her?"

"I will help her." Scorpius sneered in return. "We don't have to do this, Daniel. You don't have to work with Selwyn."

"Why wouldn't I?" Daniel challenged, tilting his head softly, calculatingly. "He's going to make it a better world, Scorpius." His eyes seemed to brighten. Scorpius felt a sinking feeling in his gut. He actually believed this. "Where the Ministry isn't corrupt. Where people like us won't be discriminated against because of our blood."

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