44 Deceit

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Hail begun to form a thin slice of ice on the ground. Puddles forming around them. The temperature must've been freezing for some ice not to be melting. But Scorpius couldn't feel the cold, the emotional and physical pain warmed him from the inside out. And he felt it too much, so much that it fueled the growing storm. The wind was so hostile it might've tore small plants from the ground by the root. Aries didn't seem to notice as her black hair was tossed in the air, strands crisscrossing her face.

Scorpius may as well have been under the Cruciatus curse again, because pain tore him apart from the inside. Betrayal caused nausea. The stomach pain caused sweating. His mind felt like it was shutting down, and his chest hurt as thought someone had tore out his heart. Aries constructed this entire thing, used him and lied to him. All for what? To be the one to kill Cypress.

Scorpius's eyes flicked over to Daniel as he spoke. "It's time to go, Aries. Selwyn is waiting." He was looking from her to towards the castle, where the clamoring and sounds of people came from. Obviously the blackness had coated the entire grounds, blocking out everything. It was going to bring people's interest and concern. He didn't want to be there when it did.

"I'll catch up. There's a few more things I have to do." She dismisses him, and Daniel disapparates. Scorpius was crouched over Cypress's body, watching as he quickly turned cold and lifeless. Dark eyes cast upwards to the sky, unblinking. The same dark eyes Daniel had. Water pooling around him. Students and professors were starting to emerge from the castle, going to figure out what was happening.

Scorpius looked up at Aries as she crouched down and glanced at him. "Go to hell." He spat at her, with all the hatred he could muster. She smirked a little.

"You can't be mad at me. You choose to be my friend. You knew what I was capable of. Who I was." Aries stood back up, aiming her wand at him. The earth once again rumbled under their feet. She was right. Albus had told him. He'd told him that she wasn't good. And he bought into her lies. Because she let him into her head- only a little bit- and it warranted full on trust in her. Because he was a fool. "You're not going to hide who you are anymore Salazar." She threatens.

"Avis Aquamenti!" His spell was faster then the one she had ready, and he watched as the water from the ground rose up and grew into massive birds. Eagles and owls the size of a car. And they flew right towards Aries. Droplets flung from their wings, and the sounds of alarming cries came from their beaks. The nearest one consumed Aries in a swirling tornado of water, and the girl thrashed for a moment before reacting with her own spell.

"Incendia!" A wall of fire turned the water-birds to vapor before they got near. And Aries flicks her wand towards him, fury in her features. Her eyes were devoid of humor, lips set in a firm line. Fury that he'd attack her? Maybe. Fury that she couldn't kill him? Possibly. Scorpius didn't move from his position beside Cypress, not knowing if he'd have the energy to get up even if he tried. But he had the energy for this.

"Accio Wand." His wand found his hand once more. "Terra Agito!" The Earth cracked under Aries's feet, and she had to dart out of the way as gigantic spikes of dirt and rock shoved out of the earth and upwards. "Muto." The spikes broke away from the ground and transformed. Aries aimed her wand at the approaching earth-and-rock-made creatures that were growing nearer, and begun to disintegrate them into nothing. Her dark eyes flicked back to him.

"Am I meant to be impressed?"

"Stupefy!" Scorpius shouts, and the girl deflects that too. She was letting him do this. He only grew more angry from it, finding the entire thing insulting. "I trusted you." His voice cracked on those last words. Aries softened a bit, and approached him.

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