30 Can You Hear Me?

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Scorpius walked into the boys dorms, putting his bag and everything else on the bed and looking at Albus. Potter was texting on his phone, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. He had changed from his uniform into a sweatshirt, which was oversized on him. Scorpius turned his back to face Potter, and then changed out of his sweater and white button up into a Quidditch Slytherin team hoodie. There were a couple other boys in the dorms who were quietly studying or on their phones. Scorpius put his phone and wand into his big pocket, and turned to Albus. "Hey green eyes. Let's take off." Albus Potter doesn't look up from his phone, typing away. "Hey." Scorpius sits on Albus's bed. The boy puts his phone down then, looking up at the blonde.


"Who are you texting?" Scorpius wonders.

"Actually, Christine." Albus says. Scorpius frowned.


"She asked me for help with one of her-"

"Oh you've got to be kidding me." Scorpius groaned, rolling his eyes so hard he was sure the other side of Hogwarts could hear it. "I don't even want to hear the story. Get your scarf and put your shoes on. We're going for a walk." Albus sat up, shrugging and putting his phone aside.

"Mind telling me where we're going? Should I be putting my phone on silent?" He joked, looking for his boots.

"No, you're leaving your phone here. I have mine, and I don't want Christine interrupting. I've about heard as much of her as I can for today." Scorpius watched as Albus puts on his shoes. "Might want to wear a jacket over the sweatshirt too. You get cold easier than me."

"Are we going outside? Scorpius it's dark and the dementors at night-"

"You aced the patronus exam. We'll be fine." Scorpius cuts off his words, standing and hovering by the door while Albus finished pulling on his clothes.

"I don't want to do this." Albus muttered grouchy. But inside he was excited. He liked the spontaneity of their friendship, and enjoyed the way Scorpius was more at ease when he wasn't around all these other people. He'd seem to be less on edge than he use to be, though. Albus grabbed the invisibility cloak he stole, holding it up in question, like are we going to need this?

"It's a lot more exhilarating if we're at danger of being caught." Scorpius replies, shaking his head no.

"Not to me."

"You can't lie to me Al." Scorpius smirked. Albus presses his lips together firmly to prevent smiling. "You like breaking the rules. It's okay, you can admit it to me." He looks at him through knowing and soft eyes.

"I like it a lot better when I'm doing it with you." Albus flirts, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth. Scorpius followed the action with his eyes, his heart rate picking up just a bit.

"Then you'll love this."
Scorpius balled up his cold fingers in the sleeves of his hoodie, looking up at the star-lit sky. It was clear, the moon suspended above them. His eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness. He looked over at Albus, who was kicking the frost under foot as he walked. They crossed the lawn. "We're going to see Hagrid?" Potter guessed, seeing the small lit hut at the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

"Try again." Scorpius prompts, grinning.

"We're not seriously going in there?" Albus realizes suddenly, following Scorpius's lead regardless.

"Why not? Nothing can hurt us."

"What a fantastic idea for a first date. The forbidden forest." Albus's words dropped in sarcasm.

"Our fathers did the same thing, you know. I mean Draco, not my father father." The blonde doesn't comment on the 'date' drop. He leads the way under the trees, the snow thinning under their boots until it was just soil they walked on. A haze casted a grey glow under the trees, making it harder to see in the dark. Stars twinkled down at them, the sky seeming to be brighter now in contrast to the dark barren branches twisting into the sky above their heads. They looked like silhouettes against the vast midnight atmosphere.

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