Incorrect Quotes 33

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Howdy-ho there fellow DanPlan fan!

I have some important news for you. So please read this.

I have kind of lost my motivation for this book, which is why I have been inactive recently.
I'm really sorry, but I have to say that I will be ending this story at 50 chapters.
Of course there's still a lot of chapters, but when the time comes i hope that you will respect my choice.

You guys are all really amazing, and i couldn't imagine that this story would become this big, when i first started it.

Anyways,on the the chapter!
(Which is again, fully written by you guys, you're amazing!)

Stephen: Can I have one more candy, Hosuh?

Hosuh: What did Dan say?

Stephen: He said 'no'.

Hosuh: Then why would I let you?

Stephen: He's not the boss of you.

Hosuh [Thinking]: IT'S A TRAP. IT'S A TRAP. IT'S A TRAP.

Daniel: Oh, Stephen! What did you dress up as on halloween?

Stephen: I dressed up as Christopher Gray.

[Jay imagining Stephen handcuffing him, slashing a whip and asking "Are you ready Jay?"]

Jay: I'm ready Stephen.

Stephen: *Confused look*

Daniel: *Lenny face*

Stephen: Hosuh, are you a blanket? 'Cause you have such a warm personality.

Hosuh: Ah... Stephen that's so swe-

Stephen: And I also want to sleep with you.

Daniel [Looking at old pictures]: Damn, I was a little dumb back then, it seems.

Stephen: Back then?

Hosuh: A little?

Jay: It seems?

Daniel: It's really muggy out today...

Stephen: I swear, if i go outside and all our mugs are on the front lawn, I will murder you.


Daniel: *Sips water from a bowl*

Stephen: iF tHeRe'S a DeMoN iN tHiS hOuSe, MaKe ThE tOaStEr StOp NoW.

Toaster: *Springs up*

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