Incorrect Quotes 2

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Hosuh singing: The wheels on the bus go round and round.

Daniel: Round and round.

Hosuh: Round and round.

Daniel: The wheels on the bus goes Round and round.

Stephen [In Tune]: Shut the fuck, up.

Hosuh: Fuck.

Stephen: *Flips table*

Stephen: OKaY! WhO thE FuCK TauGHt HiM tHAt?!

Stephen [Late for the recording]:
Sorry im late, I was... Doing things.

Daniel [Slamming the door open and out of breath]: HE PUSHED ME DOWN THE FUDGING STAIRS!

Stephen: Y'know, we're clever too smarty pants.

Daniel: What's the difference between a gamete and a zygote?

Stephen [Internally]: Don't fall for it Stephen! He's just making up words.

Daniel: What's on your mind?

Stephen: There are 1,022,000 words in the English language, but I could never string any of them up well enough to explain how much i wanna hit you with a chair right now.

Hosuh: *Reading a book and giggeling to himself*

Stephen [Internally]: You are straight, you are straight, you are straight, you are straight...

Stephen: Can I ask you a dumb question?

Daniel: Better than anyone I know.

Daniel: Could you ever see us as being more that friends?

Hosuh: YES, I'M SO GLAD YOU ASKED! I can totally see us as dragons, hang on let me find the picutre I drew.


Daniel: Guess what number I'm thinking of.

Stephen: 420.

Daniel: No that's so immature of you! Someone else guess and please take this seriousely.

Hosuh: 69.

Daniel: Yeah it was 69.

Daniel: Hey, think I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?

Hosuh: NO! You're a hazard to you nd yourself!

Stephen: And a coward. Do 20!

Hosuh: Let me show you a pictures from last night that really upset me.

Stephen: Okay but in my defense, Daniel bet me 50 cents I couldn't drink all the shampoo.

Hosuh: That's not what I wanted to-


Hosuh: 'Sleepy' is so much more cuter than 'tired'. Everyone needs to stop saying 'tired' and start saying 'sleepy'.

Stephen: I'm so sleepy of your shit.

Hosuh: Stephen.

Stephen: Huh?

Hosuh: Give me the kazoo.

Stephen: Why?

Hosuh: You're been playong it for 6 hours straight, we need to sleep.

Stephen: Ugh... Fine *Gives him the kazoo*

Hosuh: Thank you. *leaves*

Stephen: *pulls out another kazoo*

Daniel: Hey Stephen, can I sleep at your place tonight?

Stephen: Let me ask my mom.

Daniel: You live alone...

Stephen: She said no.

Hosuh: Would you like anything to drink?

Stephen: The tears of our enemies wrenched from their bodies as their bones are crushed.

Hosuh: I have Jasmine tea.

Stephen: Oooh, Jasmine. Yes please!

Oof, it's been a week since i uploaded last time, and I ha e absolutely no reason to be this late at all.
It's 2:30 am right now, and I probably look like a dying whale soooo...
I Hope you enjoy, and now I will go to sleep.


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