Incorrect Quotes 4

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Daniel: Stephen, why is there a dead body in the kitchen?

Stephen [Insecure]: I-i don't know...

Daniel: Stephen... What did you do?

Stephen: Alright... I was minding my own business...

Daniel: BULL!

Stephen: I was! So, i was playing some games...

Daniel: Yeah...

Stephen: Y'know, chilling on the couch...

Daniel: Yeah...

Stephen: Then this man came in...

Daniel: Oh no...

Stephen: Aaaaand, then i stabbed him 37 times in the chest.

Daniel: Stephen! That kills people!

Stephen: It's funny how fast you make me mad.

Daniel: I only said 3 words...

Stephen: And yet here i am. Boiling with hate!

Hosuh: Do you think in korean or english?

Daniel: Bold of you to assume I think.

Stephen: I came to this world screaming and covered in someone else's blood, and I am not afraid to leave it the same way!


Daniel: Stephen, what the fudge.

Stephen: I'm really into dark humor.

Hosuh [Turning of the lights]: Hey you wanna hear a joke?

Hosuh: If you kill a killer, there's still the same amount of killers in the world.

Stephen: Kill two.

Daniel: *Chokes*

Hosuh: Let's tell each other secrets.

Stephen: I'll go first.

Stephen: Daniel I hate you.


Hosuh: You're very mature for your age.

Daniel: Thank you. It's the trauma.

Hosuh: I think I pulled a muscle.

Stephen: Hosuh you can't pull what you don't have.

Daniel: You've challenged me to a fight six times since we started this conversation.

Stephen: Make it a seven.

Daniel: I don't cry over anything!

Stephen: You literally just cried for dragons.

Daniel: They can't blow out their birthday candles...

Hosuh [Holding an antique bottle]:
Is this whiskey or perfume?

Stephen: *Grabs and chugs the entire bottle*


Stephen: It's perfume.

Hosuh: I-I did a bad thing...

Stephen: Does it affect me?

Hosuh: No...

Stephen: Then suffer in silence.

Stephen: I have feelings for you.

Dsniel: Really?

Stephen: Yes, I feel you're a little annoying.

Hosuh: Describe yourself in one word.

Daniel: Indescribable.

Heres another one for ya!

I realized that a lot is with Stephen, but most incorrect quotes just fit him...

Welp, im going to Japan for 2 weeks now, and might not be able to update...
I will if I get the chance to.



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