Incorrect Quotes 7

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Hosuh: I think youre stull suffering the effects from the party last night.

Stephen: All I drank was redbull!

Hosuh: How many?

Stephen: ...

Stephen: Eighteen.

Stephen: Why isn't 11 pronounced onety one?

Hosuh [Laughing his ass off]: 22 would be tooty two!

Stephen: Threety three!

Daniel: Fourty four!



Daniel: I have realised my mistake.

Daniel: I'm such an idiot...



Stephen: If you're waiting for me to disagree, it's gonna be a long night.

Daniel: Alright, does everyone know what they're doing?

Hosuh: In the plan or in general?

Daniel: In the plan.

Hoduh: Thank goodness!

Daniel [Drunk]: Hosuh, your really beautiful.

Hosuh: *Internally screaming*

Stephen: Daniel, go to bed. You're drunk and don't know what you're saying.

Daniel: Just because I'm drunk doesn't mean I don't think Hosuh is the most beautiful person on earth.

Hosuh: *Screaming intesifies*

Stephen: You're going to hate yourself in the morning, when you realize what you said.

Daniel: Jokes on you, i already hate myself every morning anyways.

Daniel: I don't get paid enough for this.

Stephen: For what?

Daniel: *Gestures to everything*

Stephen: Hey I got something to tell you.

The Animators: Yeah? What?

Stephen: I like someone...

Daniel: Ooh! That's sweet.

Hosuh: Yeah, you should tell her!

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