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Zach waited outside while I visited Andrew. I went by his side and my heart hurt, seeing him unconscious once again. What I want more than anything is for him to wake up. That's all I want.

"Andrew," I say, staring down at my brother's unconscious face, trying to keep my voice from breaking. "Please wake up, you dummy. I miss you. My new brothers aren't as good as you." That was the understatement of the year. Or the century.

"Andy, I hate my life," I tell him, even though he couldn't hear me. "I wanted to kill myself today, but I didn't. I needed to see you first. But now, maybe, I'll try to live through it. I still have hope you'll wake up. I know you will. Don't prove me wrong, twin."

A tear fell down my cheek. I took a deep breath as my lip quivered. "You better wake up, Andrew," I tell my unconscious twin. More tears fell down my face and slid down my cheeks. When will I finally stop crying? When will I finally be happy? Would that even be possible?

Andrew was the only person who could bring a smile to my face even with our silly sibling arguments and bickering. He was the best person in my life. But now he might die, and I can't bare the thought of losing him. He means everything to me.

"Alexa, time's up," Zach said, barging in. He ignored my tears. They were still following down my face, but I made no sound. "Let's go."

"But it wasn't very long—-" I stopped talking when Zach gave me an intimidating glare. Okay, then. Guess this isn't up for debate. I wiped my eyes, but my face was still raw with tears.

I gave one last look to Andrew, and then I followed Zach. Bye, Andy. I love you, I thought silently as I left the hospital room.

Now if only I had the chance to say it to his face.


On our way home, I sat in the back. Zach won't be able to hit me from here. Well maybe he could, but it's more difficult. Yeah...

Zach scares me. A lot. Heck, all of them scare me. Cameron, Jason, Justin, Ryder. They're all so terrifying and I'm so weak and small and vulnerable. I'm easy prey. But who harms someone for fun? I literally did nothing to them. Yet they hurt me.

"Listen up, kid," came Zach's voice. I sat up straight. "Like I said, don't say anything. Ever. If you do... well." He shrugged. "Who knows?" He looked at me through the mirror. "You just might end up dead."

I didn't respond; I just merely started twiddling my thumbs awkwardly. "O-okay."

"So that boy..." Zach said. "He's our step brother?"

No shit Sherlock. But I couldn't afford to be a smart ass. I nodded. "Yeah, he is."

"Too bad he's the one in the coma," Zach says.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I would have rather had him as a step sibling over you."

And I would've rather have had him too so fuck off.

Sometimes I really wish I would say some of the things I think. But then I'll end up six feet under - but if it wasn't for Andrew and even for the kindness of that nurse, Mandy, I wouldn't mind someone killing me. Possibly.

I exit the car when Zach pulled up. Before I could go inside though, Zach grabbed my wrist. I looked at him with fear written on my face. "Can you, um, not, please?" I asked.

"How did Andrew go into a coma?" Zach asked me.

None of your business, I wanted to say, but knew it wouldn't be good for my health. "Car accident," I admitted.

"Were you in the car?"

I nodded, a bit slow. Why the fuck is he asking questions?

"Well, damn," Zach said. "Alexa, it shoulda been you, ya know."

"Yeah... I know."

And without waiting for Zach's response, I walked inside.

As soon as I stepped my feet inside that door, I was hit with a basketball. I fell to the ground as I heard three sets of laughter. I looked up to see Justin, Jason and, of course, Zach, who entered after me.

"See!" Jason said to Justin. "Told you I'd hit her first. You, my brother, owes me thirty bucks."

Justin sighs in defeat. He was carrying an identical basketball to the identical one that ducking hit me. "Damn it," he says.

Zach chuckled. "Well, Justin, might as well still throw it."

My eyes widened as the second basketball whirled in my direction. I turned, trying to get out of the way, but it just hit the back of my head. I heard three sets of laughter as I blacked out.


I woke up on my bed, confused on how I got here. Did one of my stepbrothers bring me here? But why? Ugh. My head freaking hurts, thanks to Justin and Jason. Why couldn't they just not hit me with not one, but two basketballs?

I hope I don't have a concussion or anything.

But right now, whether or not I have a concussion is my least concern. I have bigger problems. Such as being abused by my stepbrothers, bullied by Blake and others, worried about Elliot, Michael, and Jackson toying with me, Andrew's possible death, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. So much worse than a stupid head injury.

I looked over at my clock to see that it was six o'clock... in the morning.

Oh my gosh, I have school today. Not something I'm looking forward too. I just want to hide in my bedroom, but I can't do that.


Well, might as well get this over with and—-

"Bitch, you didn't do dishes last night!" Zach yelled from downstairs. "Come do them now!"

Well, excuse me! It's not like I was knocked out for the night or anything but whatever...

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