The "Grand" Feast

Start from the beginning

"Hmm, must have been my imagination." and then Ingrid continued with what she was telling Ashe and Mercedes.


Sitting next to Mercedes was Dimitri who was talking to Raphael. Raphael was sitting in between Dimitri and Felix.

"Wow Raphael! I don't think I've seen someone have so much food on their plate!" Dimitri seems to be impressed by the amount of food on Raphael's plate.

Raphael was surprised. "Really? I feel like I got less food than usual..." 

"Wait you eat more than this usually?"

Ashe, Mercedes and Ingrid seemed to stop their own conversation and listened in on whatever it was Dimitri and Raphael was talking about

Raphael grinned and looked proud "Yup! I gotta eat lots of food all the time so I can stay strong and be the strongest knight ever!" 

Everyone around him seemed amazed except for Sylvain and Felix. Felix looked disgusted and Sylvain looked nervous. Ingrid looked as if she had an idea and started to grin towards Dimitri.

"That's a really good example Raphael! Your Highness, I'm going to make sure you eat just as much as Raphael does!" Ingrid points out.

Dimitri did NOT sound like he liked that idea at all and tried to get out of it. "Ingrid, I uh appreciate the off-"

Ingrid cuts him off. "Its not an offer Your Highness, I'll make sure you do eat just as much as Raphael during breakfast and dinner from now on"

"But I don't think I'll nee-"

Ingrid cuts him off again. "You will. Don't bother arguing"

Sylvain starts laughing at Dimitri and mocks him even "Haha, good luck with that Your Highness. I'm sure that will be fun!"

Ingrid had another idea and started grinning towards Sylvain "Your sure that will be fun? Well Sylvain, I think this would be good for you too. I'm going to do the same for you and Felix too you know."

Sylvain immediately regretted even saying anything and this statement from Ingrid caught Felix off guard. Sylvain started protesting "No Ingrid pleas-"

"Don't put me in the same position as these idiots." Felix cut off Sylvain.

"Nope, none of you are getting out of this. I'll make sure the rest of BL students and the Professor will also make sure you keep up Raphael's example. I may as well follow the example too, I do want to be a knight after all..."

Felix and Sylvain tried to argue but Raphael then spoke up all of a sudden. "Speaking of the professor, I've been wondering this. Dimitri, not that I dislike you sitting next to me, in fact I had fun talking to you but I assumed you would be sitting next to the Professor for an event such as this"

Dimitri felt slightly out of place from this question but he still answered "Well I wouldn't have been able to sit next to her regardless. She chose to sit down next to Marianne. Then Dorothea came and sat next to the Professor."

Raphael nodded "Ah, I see. You know Marianne talks about her quite a bit and says how kind she is and the sort. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Marianne suddenly joined your class since she admires her so much. Anyways is what Marianne says about the Professor true?"

"Uh what does Marianne say about her exactly?"

"Marianne says that she is strong and kind! I've talked to the professor myself many times and Marianne seems to be right. However you seem to spend the most time with her and probably know her more than any of us excluding the Captain."

"Wait, I've spent the most time with the Professor?" Dimitri seemed to have only just realised it and asked.

There was an awkward silence but then Felix broke it "You only just realised it boar?"

"Uh well..." Dimitri was unsure on what to say.

"Well Dimitri, is the professor as awesome as Marianne claims her to be?" Raphael cuts straight to the main point.

"Well yes I believe so! Perhaps uh more "awesome" than she is claimed to be."

"Aw sweet! I should join your class too sometime!" Raphael declares happily

"Wow um that was a fast decision." Mercedes seemed surprised.

Dimitri stopped paying attention and looked at Byleth. She was smiling and laughing with the students around her. It made him happy to see her like this. Everyone else at the table, even Felix and Bernadetta were all cheerful and happy. 

He hopes times like these could happen more often.


A/N: Last time we had one on only the BL house but now here is one on all the houses together! Also Dorothea & Marianne haven't joined BL yet (Petra has joined at this point though) when this happened but you might've guessed that already. You also might recognise Linhardt's dialogue here since he has the same conversation with Marianne about "research" if you eat food with those two in the actual game. I wanted to put that in because it made me laugh when I first read it. Again I apologise if I made Ingrid out of character here. That part about "lots of food" is important because its sets up a future part :)

And since I forgot to clarify, Dorothea was just acting silly again like always lol.

Anyways, prepare for the next part. Not going to tell you what it's going to be about but all I can say that it's pretty important just saying :)

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now