(Ouma X Saihara) Despair (Mastermind AU)

Start from the beginning

"W-What...?" Shuichi watched the messages show on the screen of hundreds of killing game fans screaming his name. Some even attached fanart. "That's right Shu~, this was all your fault. It's sad that we erased your memories like with all the other contestants but nothing could be done without making me look suspicious. But you know that this game isn't the only time you killed people." Kokichi said stepping closer to the podium placing his hands on Shuichi's, Shuichi not able to pull away.

"You killed WAY before this happened! In fact, when you met me it was because you murdered my parents! It was love at first sight! Nishishi~!" Kokichi giggled looking Shuichi in the eye with a crazed, psychotic look. Shuichi shook his head, tears falling heavily "No, no, none of that happened! It can't be" he yelled. "Oh, but it can! AND IT IS!" Kokichi continued to respond to Shuichi's continuous denial of the situation presented.

"S-Shuichi...?" Himiko stuttered looking over at Shuichi. The boy laughed bitterly. "What is it... that I'm feeling...?" he whispered looking at the ground, completely broken. "Shuichi no!" Kiibo said but Shuichi couldn't hear him. What was this...?

"It's despair Saihara-chan...isn't it lovely?" Kokichi said placing his hand on Shuichi's jawline "Cause the look in your eye says so~" he then added. "Shuichi snap out of it, don't let him get to your head!" Maki yelled. Shuichi glanced at her but Kokichi just forced Shuichi to look into those evil purple orbs which were his eyes. 

"Accept it Shuichi-chan... you're as bad as me right now... Considering this is the first time you let me participate in an actual murder maybe that makes you even worse! If we're judging by numbers" he smirked mischievously.

"I-I don't want to h-hear this...w-why...why are you telling me t-this?" Shuichi said as Kokichi finally let go with him. "Huh~? Doesn't the wonderful detective love exposing the truth? It's why you took off that hat! Isn't this just what you want?" he teased. "No I don't want to-I don't want-!" he spoke half stuttered sentences unable to speak.

"Anyway enough stalling its PUNISHMENT TIME!"

Shuichi didn't even care. He wanted to die, he wanted to die and be put out of this misery. But nothing happened. He raised his head to see all his friends pulled to their own executions, their suffering on the screens.

Himiko's execution was Monokubs performing the saw in half trick but every time they cut in, the only cut halfway and cut in another place until finally instead of sawing her in half, they just decapitated her.

Tsumugi was strapped to a table next to many Monokumas sewing fabric close to her. They started using her as a pincushion, impaling needles in her body from her fingers to eyes and neck until one giant needle impaled her.

Maki was in a fake town walking down looking for her target only to spot Kaito's silhouette welcoming her, but before she could get there, she was shot in the back with a poisoned arrow. With her last moments, she saw Kaito disappear and reveal himself as three Monokumas pretending to be him. 

Kiibo was slowly dismantled and then crushed into tiny pieces.

"...Why am I?" Shuichi asked

"Hmm...is it the hopelessness of how you couldn't do anything despairful enough? Besides, there's another reason." Kokichi said walking closer to him, holding onto Shuichi's hand. Shuichi glanced over at his ex-lover. His entire body felt numb. He felt as though he had completely checked out of the situation. Kokichi just looked at him with a sweet grin.

"Listen Shumai~" Kokichi whispered gently still firmly holding onto Shuichi's arm. "I still love you with all my heart and to admit...I love the look of despair in your eyes" he said placing one of his hands on Shuichi's cheek only for Shuichi to slap it away. "I HATE YOU!" he yelled, his voice cracking. For a moment Kokichi wore a heartbroken look but it lasted only a second, before turning into one of pity. "That's a lie you know that right?" he said quietly and Shuichi couldn't even deny him. Even after all this...

His unconditional love...didn't stop.

"But when you see all your friends, pierced, mutilated and mangled...I want you to enjoy the despair with me...to be proud of what I did when you see how I killed for you... so here" Kokichi said pulling out what looked to be a flashback light. "A ...f-flashback l-light?" Shuichi stuttered out.

"Yes but a real one, not an implant one. It will bring your old personality back. The ones of the mastermind you..." Kokichi said placing it in Shuichi's hands. "That way you can be happy. All those feelings you feel you'll be able to happily enjoy with me~" Kokichi said with a grin. Shuichi looked at the ground, tears once again flowing down his cheeks before he grinned and a twisted, sad smile appeared on his face. He pointed the machine to his face, clicking the button.

After the flashback, he passed out.

"The memory overflow must've caused him to pass out but glad that's over. Monokubs take him back to his room to rest. When he wakes up he'll be so proud of me~! Ah, the thought of him admiring my work is already making me feel giddy inside!" the purple-haired boy twirled happily in the trial area as the Monokubs carried Shuichi away. "This has been a successful season of Danganronpa but I have to ask" Monokuma walked up to Kokichi.

"Was it a lie?"

"Hmmm?" Kokichi hummed looking over at the bear next to him. "Was there really a second mastermind? Or was that really just a flashback light and you just spared him because you fell in love during the game?" the bear asked giggling. The leader grinned and shrugged. "Who knows?" he spoke dreamily. "The game isn't very fair if you keep alive the person you loved, you know?" Monokuma said, grinning. "The shippers will be glad he's alive. They'll support us in the chat...well Kiibo just died so I guess they lost connection but I know they will" Kokichi looked over at Monokuma. "Whatever you say I guess..." the bear shrugged and waddled away

"As long as Shushu loves me it doesn't matter who was the killer, who was the victim or mastermind"

"All that matters is he's still in love with me~"

(Was there a second mastermind? Or did Kokichi just trick him in order to keep Shushu alive? It's really for you to interpret it.)

(Also finally I had the occasion to torture the emo boi for a little)

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