Thirty- Seven

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"No, I can't make it that far, can you come to see me?" Waverly asked, glancing over to her aunt and Ryn nervously. Although the phone was on speaker she felt edgy about the entire conversation.

"What do you mean you can't make it, Waverly are you feeling alright?"

"I am. I just don't think I could make it to the address you gave me. Is there another way we can see each other?"

Listening keenly to the conversation, Harper noticed a pattern which was that Waverly never addressed Therese as mom, or anything endearing.
She was always so formal with her and it seemed normal for them both.

The idea of that being the reality between the two really made her upset.
Therese was ruining the only good thing she's probably ever had in this life all because she refused to change.
She was basically allowing her daughter to grow up in the same pattern she did, maybe.
Her mother was shitty towards her and honestly, she was just the same to Waverly.

Biting her lips to keep from spewing something she'd regret, Harper tried to focus on the brighter side to all this.
They were almost a few hours away from capturing Therese yet again and if nothing wasn't right at all, that was.

"Where would you have me come to meet you?" Therese questioned after a long pause.

"I don't know. I know you wouldn't want to come to Mary's, maybe at the old factory in coven?"
Waverly looked over at Ryn to confirm that she'd executed what she wanted and she received a nod with a warm and friendly smile which made her feel proud of her accomplishment.

"Why would you want me to meet you there?"

"Because it's somewhat private and it's going to be just us or do you have somewhere else in mind?"

"No, that's fine. I should be there in about an hour. I'll call you again okay."


Hanging up the phone Waverly pressed her lips together and slouched down unto the floor, tucking her legs under her body.

"So that's done, what's next?"

"I'm going to go there beforehand to see where I can stakeout.
You'll go meet your mom as planned and you," Ryn turned to Harper with a stern expression. "You are going to stay here,"

"Wait, what? I thought we were doing this together?"

"Yeah me too."

"We were but I've changed my mind. I don't want either of you to get hurt and that's why I'm asking you to stay behind. Therese would never hurt her daughter but you, she probably would."

"I'm not fucking staying while you both parade around in danger. I'm coming and I'm not taking no for an answer."
Harper crossed her arms against her chest, pouting like a little child.

"I'm just worried," Ryn started to say, scooting over to where Harper sat, placing her hands on her cheeks.

"If anyone should be worried between us, it should be me. Therese shot you do I need to remind you about that?
All she did was roll around with me in a few minutes scuffle."

"Wait, you fought with Therese?" Waverly weighed in and Harper shrugged. She was nonchalant about the whole thing while her niece seemed strangely interested.

"How could such a tiny thing like yourself fight my mother?"
She chuckled.

"I'll have you to know that I did whoop her ass despite the fact that I'm tiny."

"It's true," Ryn agreed.

"I'm glad she didn't hurt either of you severely."

"Which is exactly why I'm asking your aunt to stay here. We know that Therese is impulsive and isn't afraid to hurt people and so as soon as she sees me again she'll get defensive and will try something."

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