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There was an attraction and it wasn't just one-sided. Harper felt a strong sense of interest for Ryn, despite her having so much she'd never been attracted too before.
She often found herself being with women who were quite similar to her in a feminine way, but Ryn was far from that, not overly though— she liked it still.

She had a few soft touches here and there about her style, but it was mostly overpowered by the masculine side of her. One had to be paying attention to see the subtleness of it.

For example in the short time, Harper had seen Ryn she dressed predominantly in very tomboyish clothing but there were also soft touches to that. She'd noticed that Ryn wore some amount of makeup and although she did appear to be masculine her face told otherwise.
She was very pretty, in a soft and gentle way. Her hair was quite long and it was probably the first thing Harper had noticed about her.

Throughout the drive to Belvidere, both women engaged in conversations based on various topics.
Most of the topics were just of them asking the other questions, trying to garner a better understanding of the other.
Although they didn't have a great deal in common there was still enough for an interest to brew.

When they had driven passed the Welcome to Belvidere sign Ryn had Harper blushing to almost everything she said, which was a major step on the road she was heading down, as she was unable to stop herself from finding the girl desirable.


"How did you meet Therese?" Harper heard Ryn asked as they drove through the much smaller somewhat bumper road in the town.
Their topics had varied and now Ryn was once again curious.

"Through work actually," Harper replied trying to make what she said sound believable.

"How long ago was that?"

"When I first got a job at the company, about seven years ago maybe."

"What was she like?" Ryn questioned, slowing the pace of the car as it drove along the road and occasionally she glanced at Harper.

"Cunning, a sex symbol. Most people who knew Therese was often attracted to what she had physically, although she is a very intelligent woman. It takes a lot to do the things she did and get away with it."

"I concur. From what I've learned about her she's quite the intellect. Robbing an entire company, doing other stuff and getting off with just a few minor charges. Someone should write a book about her." Ryn chuckled.

"That they should,"

The conversation paused for a moment as the two were busy looking out the window at the beauty of the small town. The people were casually dressed and were of diverse races.

"It's really nice here, don't ya think?" Harper asked engaging Ryn in another topic yet again.


"Have you ever been before or is this your first as well?"

"I've been here a few times when I was younger. I liked it." She answered and Harper smiled.

"What about it did you like?"

"Their food mostly if I am to be honest. They make amazing burgers and pizzas."

"Sounds like an authentic review indeed." Harper laughed.

"What about you?"

"This is my first time actually, and I haven't exactly tried their food yet but I'll take your word for it."

"Good, because we may be here for a bit if we don't find Therese anytime soon," Ryn replied and she watched as Harper heeded her words.


Half-hour after being in Belvidere driving around, Harper and Ryn came up to the motel Therese and her paramour was last spotted.
Inside the car, Ryn made certain to educate Harper on a few things.

"Before I go inside to inquire about some stuff I need you to understand something," she trailed off, watching as dark brown eyes peered over to her, waiting patiently for her to continue.

"You are not to leave the car, okay?"

"Why not, I thought we were doing this together?"

"Yes we are but the reason for you staying here is important. If by some chance Therese and that guy is still here and we both go in there to investigate and she sees you she's gonna figure some thing's up."

"You're right, I wouldn't want to be the reason she gets suspicious and leave."

"Exactly, so stay here for me. Don't roll any of the windows down or any of that just wait here."

Harper nodded indicating that she had comprehended all of what Ryn had expressed and sat in silence while watching her delve through a bag that belonged to her sitting in the backseat.

For only a few seconds Harper caught a glimpse of the gun Ryn had tucked into her jeans.

"It's just to be safe. I'm not going to use it, I promise."
Ryn addressed the look of fear on Harper's face before opening the door and climbing out.

"Please stay here, okay and don't try anything until I get back."
She warned and was gone in no time.

As soon as she left Harper took her phone out and immediately dialled a number placing it to her ear.

"Yes, we're here." She spoke after the fella on the other end came on.

"Good, promise that you'll keep me updated on the hunt." Said Harge, dragging his words with sophistication in his tone.

"I promise, you're the reason I'm doing this so I have too."
Harper had replied and Harge chuckled, his voice was deep but strangely soothing.

"You and I both know that the reason you're going after Therese has nothing to do with the money she's stolen from me or the litter of warrants that are out for her arrest."

"But it gives me even more courage to do so. If it weren't for you I wouldn't have given a damn Harge."

"True, but I'm still intrigued. What is it that Therese had done to cause such a shift in the relationship you two had?"

"She's always been this way, since the day I met her. Therese had done so many things to me it's hard to keep track of them all. So now that I actually have the chance to aid in her imprisonment; which I hope is the reward, I'm eager to help bring her down."

"Such a shame, but also a good thing. At least you're different from that stunning nightmare."

"Oh, so she's a nightmare now but not when you'd been sticking your little friend into all the time huh?"

"Who said anything about it being little? Also, I had no clue Therese was such a clever woman. I thought she was just all ass and tits and no brain." Harge replied, his words sounding a bit strange to the ear compared to his usual vocabulary and it caused Harper to laugh.

"I hope you've learned your lesson and never intend to underestimate someone like her again. She only acts brainless to trap men like you."

"Oh I've learned alright, I've learned all that I need to."

"Good. I'll talk to you maybe later tonight to let you know what's happening. Right now I'm waiting for Ryn to come back from the motel."

"Of course. Try to be careful, I'd hate to learn that something unfortunate has happened to you."

"I promise to be careful. Bye Harge."

Harper hung up the phone and remained staring at it for a while before her eyes caught on the sight of Ryn leaving the motel.
She hurried across the parking lot and Harper took that moment to check her out.

She was a beautiful creation.
Fit and tall, with a beauty Harper hadn't seen in a while, so it was hard to deny the attraction that was building inside.

She had never dated a girl like Ryn before and because of that, she was eager in doing so. Mostly eager in wanting to know what she was like in bed.
Would the experience be one of a kind, or not?

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