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Just a heads up. There is yeah... 

"Ouch !"

"Stop it Ryn I haven't even touched you yet." Harper smacked Ryn's hand away and very sternly at that.
The act caused her to laugh, irritating Harper just a bit more while she gained a few minutes of amusement.

"God, I'm just playing with you. Why so tense?"

"Because you're hurt and seriously. This isn't the time for that. Sofia really did mess you up pretty good." Harper replied.
She'd found an ice pack wondering about her house and had filled it with ice and was now applying it to the spot affected for the brunette.

"I'm aware that she did but it really isn't that big of a deal Harper. I've been injured far worse than this before."

"Yeah and that's very frightening. I know that I haven't quite known you for a long time, but I'm still concerned about you. I'm allowed too.
You and I are practically partners right now and if you're hurt it's going to affect me."

"Jeee Harper can you just tell me that you love me already," Ryn joked, causing Harper to push at her shoulder.
They were sitting very close to one another on the couch.
Their thighs were touching and next to her, Ryn could smell the inebriating scent of Harper's perfume and it was pulling her in, and the force was strong.

"I think that blow might've affected your brain just a little."
Harper stated and attempted to move from beside Ryn when she pulled her back into the very welcoming cushions.

"Where are you going?"

"To start something for dinner. I figured someone has to do it, and it doesn't look like you're even remotely interested in picking up a spoon unless it's too your mouth."

"That is absolutely true." Ryn chuckled.
"But before you go, I'd like to say thank you."

"For what?" The redhead frowned.

"For looking out for me back there. You actually punched that girl in the face. I saw that, though not as clear as I would've enjoyed, but I saw it.
You are pretty useful and I'd like to apologize for my rant a few days back. I'm glad I brought you with me."

"It's okay Ryn, I'm past it but you're welcome. I know you would've done the same for me. In fact, you have."

The way Harper saw Ryn staring into her eyes caused a sensation she felt similar to that night they kissed to travel throughout her body.
There was this electricity and it pulled her in the further she got lost in those hazel-green orbs and in the end, Harper concluded that she wanted to kiss her. She needed to kiss her, but would she give in to it or push her away saying it was awkward?
Harper didn't know what the answer would be but she shut her mind off completely and made the move. Waiting until after to think of the consequences.

Her lips smashed against Ryn's, eyes closed tightly as she waited, waited for her to kiss back.
And it came almost immediately.
Ryn had kissed her too.

Opening her mouth, welcoming Harper's tongue and allowing her to set a pace. It felt good, Harper thought. Melting further into the depths of Ryn, tasting the way she too enjoyed the moment as it was slow and sensual for awhile.

The way there lips eased on to the other seemed to have increased in pace, hence making it passionate.
A moan had eased it's way out of Ryn and Harper thought it was the sexiest sound she'd ever heard before and deepened the kiss.
Ryn grabbed hold of a handful of Harper's hair, digging her fingers all the way down to her root, causing her to arch her back sharply.
A moan of her very own was heard as Ryn kissed her with so much need.

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