Twenty- Three

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Lincoln had done his work which led to them heading to an underground bar in the city, ran by a group of retired criminals.

It was a usual hideout for big-time miscreants and the entire trip there, Harper tried picking Lincoln's mouth to see if he would give anything away.
She was still curious as to how he was able to access so much information without really blowing much of his or their cover.

"The man's just a genius I guess," Ryn explained causing Harper to scoff sarcastically.

"Yeah right, and he just happens to exude a whole lot of intelligence," she replied sarcastically.

"Is she always this nosey?" Lincoln asked from the back seat.


"I have every reason to be. " Harper defended.

"That's right. Just don't expect him to answer all your questions, he's not as forthcoming as I am."

"I see. Is there a reason why Therese hasn't left the city? I would think she'd be smarter than hide somewhere that's well known to host big-time criminals."

"She's not hiding there Harper, she's there for business," Ryn chimed.
She stole a glance at the feisty redhead and flashbacks of what they shared started manifesting themselves, leaving her a bit breathless.

"What kind of business?"

"As mentioned that bar's got it going on. All those big guys in there mean you can get anything done illegally. Things anywhere from human trafficking to gaining false documents. Literally anything," Answered Lincoln.

"Oh my goodness. How come this place hasn't been busted? Shouldn't the cops know about it?"

Lincoln laughed at Harper's viridity, which annoyed her even more.

"He's really annoying."

"Just give him a chance." Ryn rushed back, trying not to laugh at the situation between Harper and Lincoln.

"But seriously, why hasn't this place been bombed to the ground, raided or something?"

"It's because the higher authorities, the ones you'd expect to do something are the ones secretly running this joint and many others like it.

The good guys are just criminals pretending to give a fuck, you should know that by now, " Lincoln stressed and Harper studied him dumbfounded

She didn't say much after that. She just sat among them in the car heading closer to possibly her demise.
She'd be surrounded by criminals and she never felt this scared in her entire life.

"W-what, wait." Harper pleaded as they had pulled up to what looked like an abandoned building, a few doors down from an actual pub.
A few sketchy people were walking around, and Ryn turned to her.

"So we're just going to go in there wielding guns asking for Therese?"

"No. That's not how we do it. Lincoln's going to go in there, you and I can't."


"Just oh? I'm risking my life for you and all you say is oh?"

"Point of correction you're risking your life for Ryn, not me. I didn't ask you to be here." Harper replied.

"Okay, so I'll be back." Lincoln ignored her and hopped out of the car.
He didn't even look back at them as he made his way through an alley.

"Wouldn't he need a gun, a weapon or something?"

"No, he doesn't. This is what he does Harper. It's why I asked him to be here. I figured we'd have to look at some places for Therese that we wouldn't be able too. Lincoln used to be a cop, but he was a dirty one and got caught. Now he's just keeping it low being an informant for many, many people, not just for me."

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