Twenty- Eight

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There was a soft knock at the door, revealing to Ryn that Harper had made it and a glance at her watch told her right on time as well.

Her excitement level grew unimaginably as she steered her vision in the direction of the source. Creeping to her lips slowly by the second was a grin, ear to ear like the Grinches.

Since they'd made plans for dinner the day before Ryn couldn't take her mind off of Harper in any way but before she figured they'd never see each other again because of how they'd parted ways.

They had both misunderstood things and had allowed the wrong feelings to drive their actions until Harper called and they'd cleared the air.
Now they were about to have dinner and who knows, something good might come out of it she thought.

Hastily making her way over to the door, Ryn unlocked it and the sight she was greeted with stopped her breathing momentarily. Standing outside at the doorway of her parent's beach house was a nervous but beautiful Harper.

She was stood clutching a black strapless purse in front of her pink body fitted dress, that rode up her thighs. From the soles of her feet, Ryn observed every intricate detail, until her eyes locked with hers.

"My god!" Ryn whispered, causing Harper to blush.


"I told you to dress as casual as possible earlier on the phone, good god Harper," Ryn stated, not even trying to hold back anything. Harper only chuckled, shaking her head and her red hair swung side to side in its neat ponytail.

"I'm glad you like it still, despite me not adhering to your dress code."

"Don't worry about," Ryn said and stepped aside to allow her in the house.
Harper strolled in quietly and immediately her eyes wondered about.

"Your parents have a nice little place here, simple but elegant."

"I know, you should see the rest of it."

"May I?" Harper raised a brow and Ryn stretched her arm out pointing ahead.

"After you."

Harper started making her way through the house, taking in the design of the interior, while Ryn's eyes slipped at her back; gawking over her rear.
The dress she'd chosen to wear had done her a huge justice because it accentuated her frame and now made it hard for Ryn to not look.

They spent a few minutes during the tour with Ryn pointing out rooms and also showing Harper the ocean from the back porch, leaving her amazed.

"I see why you choose to stay here when you're not on the road."

"I know right. It's a really nice place, it's a shame that my parents hardly use it."

"They don't?" Harper asked, staring at Ryn perplexed.

"The last time they went on holiday was about three years ago. No one else in the family uses this place and it's just been wasting away, it's why I practically live here now."

Both Harper and Ryn had walked into the dining area and had each taken a seat at the table. Before Harper had shown up, Ryn had already laid out some of the food she'd cooked onto the table.
When she had seen it, she turned to Ryn with a smile showing both of her dimples, making her blush.

"My, my, you really were serious about this dinner Ryn."

"Told you I was quite the chef." She answered and they both laughed.

Together they sat eating making easy conversation. They spoke about work, and what they'd both been up too since the last they saw one another.

After the dessert was served, Harper all but drool over the meal embarrassing Ryn with her compliments. Afterwards, they'd both retired to the living room, Ryn with a bottle of beer while Harper nursed water, their conversation took a more serious turn.

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