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Ryn had tossed and turned most of the night. It was difficult to sleep when there was someone as gorgeous as Harper sleeping only a few feet away from you, while dressed in something provocative.

The lights had been turned off but still, somehow Ryn was able to see the exposed flesh of Harper's thighs due to the light that had been spilling in through the thinly shaded windows.
Maybe it was also because Harper was quite a very pale person, so it was easy to spot her.

Nevertheless, it was hard to fall asleep when all her mind was consumed with were thoughts of her.
Thoughts of having her sexually, thoughts that left her steaming in places.

Ever since their first encounter together the attraction Ryn felt for Harper was unreal; she was rarely capable of tolerating people, let alone like someone so instantly so the infatuation she felt for the girl with the auburn hair was a shocker.

Eventually, Ryn had fallen asleep after some time of endless thinking.
Her dreams weren't exactly filled with things pertaining to Harper, but of the situation, they were in.
She dreamt of chasing Therese and how bizarre she was.
After she'd been caught she laughed about it instead of worry or show fear as any normal human would.
In the dream, Ryn was confused at it all but elated to have caught the she-devil.


"What do you mean you brought her along with you?" Lincoln asked and Ryn could hear the distress in his voice as she listened.

"I mean it. She was making a big fuss about coming with me and she even threatened to have someone else do the job when I had shown up, so I agreed,"

"Are you fucking crazy?"

"I could be for allowing it to happen," Ryn replied, pacing the small bathroom.
She caught a glimpse of herself in the tiny mirror positioned in the wall and froze for a few seconds.
Her brunette hair was tossed about her head, with strands spilling all over.
Her usually bright hazel-green eyes seemed a bit dull due to the fact that she was somewhat sleep-deprived.
Overall her reflection mirrored what she felt inside, a complete wreck.

Now as she spoke to Lincoln about her taking Harper along with her on the trip, she finally realized how crazy of a scheme it was.

"Did you consider that she could get hurt on this hunt mate?"

"Yes, I have and as long as she's with me I swear I'll protect her." She said and she could hear Lincoln sighing.

"Bullshit Ryn! You know how dangerous what your doing is.
For your own good and the safety of that girl send her back to the city because you'll be going on a wild goose chase looking for Therese."

"I can't send her back, she won't pay me if I do find this girl or worse she might have someone else track her down before I do."

"Since it's so complicated back out of it. There's a reason why that girl wants you to find Therese, that bitch is dangerous. Did I mention that she was accused of murder, no? Well, I found that out recently. Not only is she a money-grabbing vixen but a cold-blooded murderer."

"What?" Ryn was perplexed.
Her pacing had stopped abruptly and she was listening intently for Lincoln to continue.

"Yeah, she's a killer and a thief. But nothing really comes out of her stories because she pays her way out of everything and I mean everything."

"How did you find all of this and why wasn't it made accessible to me the first time?"

"Because I had to do a lot of digging to get all this. I got help with it.
All I'm saying Ryn is be careful, Therese isn't as innocent as we thought she was."


"That's why I'm telling you to ditch that girl and go find her yourself. She'll only slow you down anyway, or if she doesn't, she'll raise Therese's suspicion if she sees her."

"It's what I've been trying to explain to Harper but she's stubborn.
As much as I want her nowhere near me while I search for Therese, I can't just leave her behind like that."

"Okay, then go ahead. Whatever is the outcome, so be it. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Also, Therese was spotted in Ankersville last night. My sources say that she might be there for a while."

"Where in Ankersville?" Ryn asked, now alerted more than ever.

"On a  ranch, belongs to someone in Chad's family."

"Thanks for the info, I owe you."

"Yeah, just be safe is all I ask. Whenever you're back we can discuss my pay. Although I still want Therese as my earnings.

"That's never gonna happen, how about ten grand?"

"Make it fifteen and I'll be disposable to you until you catch our girl."

"Okay, fifteen it is. If you hear anything else about her let me know. I'll leave for the road in about half an hour."
Ryn hung up after that.
She rushed out of the bathroom and over to a sleeping Harper.

She looked beautiful and peaceful, with her hair laying untamed all over the bed next to her.
Ryn was never fascinated by someone sleeping, but this girl right here had her heart rate spiking just by looking at her as she rested.

"Harper," she touched her shoulder softly and she stirred.

"Mmm, is it morning already?"


"How early is it?" Harper asked and Ryn chuckled.
Her voice was heavy with sleep and her eyes hadn't even opened once.

"It's almost five-thirty."

"What, give me a break Ryn it's too early to get up." She grumbled.

"But you have too, I got word on Therese and she's in Ankersville. We have to move fast if we plan on finding her at all."

Those were all the words she figured Harper needed to hear, for she sprang to her fit with such haste, she caused Ryn to flinch.

"I'll go get ready." She rushed out and ran to the bathroom.
Ryn was left staring at the direction she went with admiration and amusement.

A Sweet Chase (gxg)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin