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Ryn thought Harper's lips were the most flawless ones she'd ever touched in her entire adult life. They were so soft and inviting which were reasons enough to make her lose control, almost.
Harper's kiss was so tender it was quite the opposite of what Ryn had to offer.
She was rough and the way she kissed her was just the same but Harper enjoyed it even more.

She enjoyed it too much, and to a point where she felt herself being unable to stop. She was aware that Ryn was attracted to her just as she was but she reckoned she'd be very reserved rather than a risky individual, but Harper was wrong.
She was so wrong and she knew it.
Just the way Ryn battled her tongue against hers confirmed it.

The kiss seemed to last for some time but not long enough for Harper.
She dreaded the moment it would end and when it came she felt her insides protesting at the sudden emptiness that was no longer being filled.

"I think we should-"

"Stop," both girls said in unison after lips separated a few inches.

"Yeah, I think so too," Harper added, her voice thick with arousal.
Clearing her throat and putting distance in between them, she tried to ignore the fact that her cheeks were probably redder than a tomato, so she averted her eyes from Ryn.

"I'm sorry if I made you um, uncomfortable.' Ryn apologized after seeing how affected Harper was.

"Don't apologize, it's okay."

"Alright. I-I should get going." She stuttered.


"I'll see you in the morning."

"Sure. Have a good night." Harper replied watching as Ryn left without saying another word.

She spent the rest of the time she was awake replaying the kiss.
She liked it, a lot and as much as she knew it shouldn't happen again, she wanted it too.
Harper wanted Ryn in so many ways and the fact that it would be wrong to some extent made her want it even more.

She loved risky things especially doing them and since she'd met Ryn, she saw the wildness inside of her and wanted, no needed a taste of it especially from her.

Harper knew within her gut that at some point she would have what she wanted from Ryn.
Even if it took forever and a day for her to get it, she was willing to wait and wait.


It took everything Ryn had to appear in front of Harper unbothered the next day when all she wanted was to hideaway. The events of last night kept repeating itself so much in her mind that a couple of times Ryn caught herself blushing and once right in front of Harper.

She never did that before. Ryna Bates never blushes, yet there she was feeling butterflies in her stomach and her cheeks feeling feverish whenever she looked at Harper.

What was it about her? What was it that had Ryn feeling so provoked?

The answer came the moment she saw Harper heading towards her car, a big smile plastered on her face, both dimples showing sinfully.

She'd never had someone like her before, not ever.
Harper had a feistiness about her that Ryn had never experienced from another woman.
She was smart and loved doing things her own way which for Ryn was a major turn-on.

"Hey, good morning," said Harper cheerfully standing in front of Ryn much shorter.

"Morning, take it you had a good night's sleep?"

"In a place like this, no. I'm only so jovial because I had some coffee, other than that I'd be walking around looking like a zombie." She replied and Ryn laughed at her joke, shaking her head while starting the engine for the car.

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