Thirty- Six

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Sneaking out from under Harper as she slept, Ryn tiptoed quietly out of the room. It was dark but she managed to feel her way around the large space without busting a toe or falling face-first unto the floor.

As she made it to the door she paused for a few seconds listening to Harper's soft breathing to make sure that she was in fact, still asleep.
With a smile curling at her lips at the way she softly whimpered in her slumber, Ryn's heart swelled at the thought of her. She was becoming more and more fond of Harper the more they hung around each other.
She knew she liked her but found herself seeing into the future where she'd feel more than just infatuation for her.

The idea of eventually being so comfortable that it led to them loving each other made Ryn smile even wider as she made it down the stairs.
Locating her phone in the pocket of her jeans, she searched Lincoln's number before ringing it up.

"It's late Ryn, why the fuck do you feel the need to call me?" His groggy voice came on and Ryn grinned, rolling her eyes.

"Since when do you go to bed so early?"

"Why are you whispering?"

"Because I'm at Harper's place and I don't want her to overhear much."

"Right," Lincoln dragged with a playfulness in his tone.

"I didn't call for us to playfully banter with each other, we have things to do."

"I hate it when you say we."

"Yeah well, you better get used to it."

She heard her friend sigh heavily on the other end of the phone and along with him shuffling around in the background.

"What do I have to do now, despite me saying I was done with the Therese thing; which I know she's the reason you're calling me at almost three o'clock in the morning."

"I didn't say anything at first because not many people are aware but, Harper and I learned that Therese has a daughter," said Ryn.

"No. fucking. way!"

"Yeah and she looks a whole lot like Harper."

"Get outta here!"

"Look Lincoln I'm serious,"

"I can't believe it, so Therese is a Milf?"
He asked rhetorically causing Ryn to pinch the bridge of her nose. "Why didn't you say anything?" He added.

"I just couldn't, it's really their business."

"So why say this to me now?"

"Because last night Harper received a call from her niece saying that Therese contacted her, asked to meet her somewhere and we're trying to figure out a way to get her."

"I'm saying this only once and I mean it, get rid of this crazy idea.
I don't normally discourage you from hunting down someone but I am now.
That guy that Therese is with is just as mental as she is and chances are he's going to be with her.
Take the address from Harper's niece and hand it over to the police, let them take care of it. Don't get yourself hurt because you like this chick."

"It's not just because I like her," Ryn stated, a bit upset.

"Then what is it? She offered you more money, she persuaded you with the size of her inheritance?"

"Fuck no. I just can't stand to see Therese walking around after I caught her. I got shot trying to bring this bitch in, I'd be damned if I let my injury go to waste. It's been a little over a week and the fucking cops can't even find her yet why should we wait?"

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