Twenty- Five

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"Say that I won't shot you again and I swear the next bullet will be in your skull," Therese threatened, seeing her sister stare at the hole in the floor a few inches away from her feet.
She'd finally gotten the attention of both her sister and her fuck toy which meant she was the one in control now.
A smirk scampered across her supple lips and she stood watching both girls eye her with much disapproval.

"Now that I've finally gotten your attention sis, how do you think this is going to end?"

"Exactly how it should, with you in jail and later on trial."

"Mm, no. Gross." Therese made a face, she turned to Ryn next.
"What do you think?"
She added, gazing at the girl who was just as tall as she was.

"Exactly what Harper said, you'll be caught and sent to jail where you'll face the consequences for all that you've done.."

"She's got you brainwashed too? Fuck that's sad. You must really like her."

"Shut up Therese."

"Make me." She snapped at her red-headed sister and Harper rolled her eyes.

"You're so spoiled it's fucking sick. Can't you ever own up to anything you've ever done in this life?"

"Why should I waste my precious time doing that? Life's too short to be living it cautiously and playing by the rules sister. If you've never learned anything from me, learn that."

"You're a selfish person. All you think about is letting other people pay for your wrongdoings"

"Everyone's selfish Harper, show me someone who isn't. You do that and I might just let your friend here arrest me."

Harper stared silently and Therese laughed.

"You can't name someone who isn't selfish because they don't exist. We all think about ourselves in one way or the other."

"Yeah but you've taken all of the selfishness."

"Oops," Therese joked to herself and laughed.

Off to the side, Ryn was still observing the entire thing livid but paying much attention. Therese had started to circle around Harper and she watched keenly as the girl did the same, growing closer by the second.

"So baby sis, have you made up your mind about what's going to happen next?"

"You're going to jail whether you like it or not, simple as that."

"Again, so gross. " Therese made the same face again turning to Ryn she smirked.
"It's still the same for you?"

"Yes, there's only one thing to do and that is to take you to jail where you'll be prosecuted for every crime you've committed."

"Or how about I do this instead," Therese said and in no time she fired the gun at Ryn and she fell to the floor, groaning harshly and hitting the floor with a loud thud. Harper had started to scream, watching as Ryn laid clutching her bleeding shoulder in horror.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Harper stressed, petrified as she glared at her sister.

"It's only fair. She tried to shoot me awhile ago but the only difference is I didn't miss." Therese answered.

Harper lost it and quickly closed the gap between them. She scrambled towards her sister and slapped her across the face.
Therese stepped back, perplexed and gasping.

"Did you just hit me?" She asked out of breath.

She reciprocated with an even greater force, swinging her hands across her sister's face and Harper stumbled backwards a few inches. Once she recovered from the hit, Harper tumbled forward and lounged herself unto her sister. They both fell to the floor but Harper started hitting her with very powerful blows.

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