Twenty- Two

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After the slight argument between Harper and herself, Ryn later climbed the flight of stairs and locked herself inside of her room spending some time on her cellphone.

She'd called Lincoln to let him know about what Harper had said and also begging him to tag along for her sake and begrudgingly he did.

He had to tell her off before he agreed and Ryn listened keenly to him until he finally asked for her location.
She directed him on where to find Harper's place and waited.
About an hour later he showed up at the front door and Ryn got down to find Harper staring at him confused.

"He's with us now,"

Harper was startled at her voice and Ryn gave her a weak smile before turning her focus to Lincoln.
He was a lanky fella, a few inches taller than Ryn was and lean with light brown hair.

"You must be Harper," He smiled arching a brow at her and Ryn had detected that he seemed immediately fond of her. Who wouldn't be, she was gorgeous.

"Yes, and I'm guessing your Ryn's anonymous informant?"

"Not so anonymous anymore am I?" He asked and Harper didn't even smile, she just stepped aside giving him the way to enter and when he did she closed the door.

"Why exactly is he here?" She turned to Ryn to ask and she shrugged, making Harper frown.

"Because with him at my side, it's going to be a lot easier to find Therese. I actually need him with me, also he's skilled at waving a gun but doesn't like people to know."


"Yeah. You have a nice home by the way," Lincoln intervened casting his eyes all over making Harper uncomfortable and at the moment Ryn saw it written all over her face.

"T-thank you."

"So," Ryn trailed off clapping her hands together to draw Lincoln's attention. She then leads the way into the living room where he followed along with Harper.

"Have you found anything on Therese?"

"Hardly. She's still in the city though, just extra low-key. Sources saw her and her new toy, the silver-haired girl in a night club last night. They didn't stick around."

"Do you have any idea what she intends because since we've been after her she seems to be going places at random?"
Harper chipped in and both Ryn and Lincoln stared at her, but her cheeks got heated at the way Ryn regarded her.
Memories of night heated night and earlier eased it's way into her focus causing her to react.

Harper could never forget the shared passion between herself and the bounty Hunter, no day. She'd never had anyone touch her the way Ryn did and she knew she'd never forget it.

Turning her gaze away from her, Harper tried to ignore the brunette.

"Apparently she's trying to find someone that could help her to travel out of the province without getting caught. She would've already made it if it weren't for you guys and now that she knows she's being hunted she's trying even harder."

"Why is she trying to leave and why not use the girl she's with, Sofia?"

"Because Sofia doesn't have a clean record. She's wanted for petty crimes and it's why she's trying to stay low. I guess Therese is trying to leave so that whomever she stole money from wouldn't be able to find her."

"But the city is a big place, she can hide out perfectly fine here," Harper added and Lincoln turned to Ryn who just shrugged and started pacing the carpeted floor.

"You ask a lot of questions," he stated honestly and quickly Ryn darted her gaze back towards the two.
Harper scrunched her face up disapprovingly at him and Lincoln chuckled.

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