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I can't believe I'm taking her with me.

Were Ryn's exact thoughts as she slowly made her way over to Harper standing by the road alone, a short distance away from where she lived.

It was early in the morning, so not many people stirred. The air was a bit chilled and the sky was still illuminated with bits and pieces of darkness.

Harper stood wearing a black jacket and jeans with an enthusiastic expression.

"Morning," She said cheerfully and Ryn frowned. Harper seemed like a morning person and she already hated it. As she stood towering over her, the thoughts in her head that she should've left her behind were even more frequent.

Why didn't she?

"Good morning. I see you've packed rather handsomely." Ryn nodded to the two huge bags sitting on the ground next to Harper.

"Yeah, about that. I don't know how long we may be on the road looking for Therese so I packed in accordance."

"Yes, but the only thing is you've failed to keep in mind is that it's a hunt and not a vacation." Said Ryn.

"I am aware."

"Sure, do you have everything you'll need? Toiletries, all your feminine stuff?" She asked and Harper studied her perplexed. She said feminine stuff like she herself hadn't a clue Harper thought.

"Yes, I have everything."

"Good. Come let's go grab something to eat before we head out. I'm certain you haven't had breakfast yet.

Ryn quickly packed both of Harper's belongings into the back of her SUV and was greeted with the most perfect smile afterwards which left her feeling giddy and warm.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Because of you, you're something. You're strong, very." Harper complimented.

"Trust me, I'm not."

"Yes, and you can stop denying it. Those bags are filled with clothing and other stuff and I struggled to move them one at a time and you lifted both with little ease."

"Have you considered that maybe you're just lazy?" She inquired and Harper rolled her eyes.

"I'm not lazy, I'm just tiny," she said climbing into the front seat of the car, suppressing the urge to smile.
Ryn was already behind the wheels when she'd gotten in and within moments the vehicle moved away.

They drove to the nearest cafe, Ryn was eventually gifted with the answer to the question she'd asked earlier.

With Harper at her side talking and occasionally laughing at something she said, it had dawned on her why she couldn't leave her behind.
She enjoyed her company although they'd only met each other a few times.
Ryn had enjoyed the way she spoke and how intelligent she was.
She knew it was dangerous to have her come along but she was now beginning to thank herself for allowing her too.

But being that she was now aiding in the search, Ryn needed to make certain she stayed safe and out of harm's way.
She'd hate to see her get injured while with her, she'd blame herself.


"Tell me something about yourself, like where you're from and what your family's like?" Harper requested and instantly Ryn rolled her eyes.
She hated small talk but only allowed it from Harper because she enjoyed her company.
She was witty and had a sense of humour quite similar to hers, so anything to keep her talking would be tolerated Ryn thought.

"I'm from a small town called Heuvel. I grew up with four older brothers. My mom's a doctor and my dad's a retired bounty hunter."

"And what was life like living with four brothers, a mom who's a doctor and a father that caught criminals?"

"Tough. I hated the shit outta my brothers but I also loved them at the same time. My father was the coolest in my eyes and quite brave.

Living with them, however, was never knowing what would happen out of the blue. One moment it was nice and relaxing and the other we all wanted to kill each other; you never could tell how it would go. We were a typical family, however.
My mother was the only one that was well composed and sane." Ryn answered and she gave a little laugh at the end, not because of what she said but because of the way Harper was examining her.

She had this look in her eyes of complete adulation and genuine interest. She was making it even harder for Ryn to dislike the fact that she was going on the hunt with her.
After all, who would hate her presence when she was this cute little thing?

"That sounds like you had an amazing childhood, no lie. I wish my family was like that."

"Why, how did you grow up?"

"Rich," Harper replied in seconds and Ryn cracked up.

"I'm serious. If you know anything about most rich people then you'll know how boring and caught up they'd be in making their lives out to be this perfect thing than actually enjoying it.

I grew up with my mother and it was quite tedious. She was always constantly busy and I was left in the care of my nannies. I don't know if you realize but most nannies aren't that fun."

"That does sound shitty. I bet you used to cry yourself to sleep at night in your imported king-sized bed as you wiped your tears with crisped hundred dollar bills." Ryn said sarcastically and Harper nudged her while rolling her eyes.

"That's not funny at all, I'm being serious. I was pretty lonely growing up."

"I'm sorry about that. If life could've been rewritten I would've loved to be your friend."

"Really?" She asked and Ryn nodded.

"I swear it, I would've loved too. I would've picked on you quite a lot but we would've been good friends."

On that note, Harper was left contemplating it. Could she and Ryn really have been friends when they were younger? Maybe, but she knew her mother would've hated her anyway. She would've been too tomboyish for her liking, and maybe a little older than Harper.

"You're right, maybe we could've been friends, which leaves me to ask how old are you exactly?" She questioned and Ryn arched a brow with a smirk.

"How old are you?" She'd retorted and Harper placed a finger in between them to silence her.

"It's very impolite to answer a question with a question, also I asked first."

"Okay. I'm twenty-seven." Ryn answered and Harper made a face as she seemed to have approved of something within her own head.

"And you?"

"I'm twenty-six," Harper replied.

"And are you married, have kids, divorced?" Ryn took the questions further causing Harper to chuckle.

"No, I'm not married. No, I don't have any children nor have I been divorced. You?"

"No to all of those."

"No, as you don't want too ever, or no as in I don't want them right now?" Harper queried.

"No for right now. I would like to get married have a family someday, but until I've found the person I'm sure I want that with its a no from me."

Ryn's answered caused Harper to give her a look she couldn't describe.

"I'm guessing you're very family-oriented then?"

"Yes I am, are you?"

"I'm not. I'm not exactly big on family but I'm also not opposed to having my own. It'll just take the right person to make me want my own I guess."

For some reason Ryn allowed her mind to picture what it would've been like having a family with Harper.

The thought caused strong feelings to surface within, with also an incredible desire to have Harper.

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