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"How well do you know Therese?" Ryn asked Harper. She was sitting casually at the end of the bed she'd slept on the night before, watching the redhead attempt to brush the curls out of her hair; which was quite a thing to look at.

"As I've told you before, not so well. We worked together for a while but not closely. Even after she left our company I still saw her here and there, but as I've said we weren't close."

"Doesn't the company you work for checks the background of their employees before they hire them?"

"Yes, every company does. Why?"

"Then how could they have missed so much information about her?"

"I don't know, okay. I'm not in charge of that. I'm not in charge of hiring people, nor was it my idea to hire her at the time." Harper said somewhat annoyed.

"Calm down, I'm just trying to understand how a woman who was accused of fraud, identity theft and murder able to work at such a company."

"Wait, what did you say?" Harper questioned, moving over to Ryn and she stood up from her seat at the bed.

"She murdered someone, when?"

"I can't say exactly nor am I sure if she did kill someone but it's what I caught word of."

"From your informant?"

"Yes, that's what my source told me."

"And you're sure your source was accurate?"

"I mean, I have some amount of trust in each of them, more so the one I got this from specifically," Ryn said and she studied Harper well.
Why was the news of Therese being involved in a homicide was so appalling to her?
It almost seemed as if she was concerned instead of showing resentment or no emotion at all.
Such a thing caused many questions to roll around in Ryn's mind.

Were Harper and Therese a thing at some point but their relationship went South due to unknown reasons?
Could it be why Ryn saw so much concern and worry in Harper's eyes for the girl or was she just reading everything wrong?

Whatever the reason she figured it wasn't her business.
What was really her business was capturing Therese before she skipped to another town where it would be harder to find her.

She and Harper didn't exchange much while they hurried to leave the motel.
Within forty minutes or so they were already leaving the parking lot and was on the road, heading to ankersville to find the she-devil.


Through most of the drive, neither girl said much to each other.
They stopped for a few minutes at a local fast food joint to get lunch being that they had skipped breakfast.

Harper still looked worried and Ryn addressed it after some time of silence among them.
They had also turned back unto the road.

"Is there any reason why you seem distraught over what I'd told you about her?"

"What do you mean?"

"I could be wrong, but I swear it's like you're concerned for her."

"I'm not concerned, I'm just shocked. You may not understand the severity of some things but hearing that about Therese was somewhat bone-chilling. I've known her for some years, despite her being what she is and I'd never heard of her killing anyone nor would I imagine her doing that. The possibility exists that I disregarded that information upon hearing it and somewhere along the line it got lost, or I just genuinely didn't know."

"There's no need to beat yourself up about it. Things happen, people change, people hide things, so you probably couldn't have known.
The person that told me this side that Therese pays her way out of everything so it could've been something like that to cause information to be on the down-low." Said Ryn and Harper nodded slightly to let her know she was paying keen attention to what she was saying.

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