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"You don't think I'm being serious?" Harper questioned, somewhat galled that Ryn was still laughing at her request. She didn't see the joke in what she'd asked.

"I'm sorry to be the one saying this, but someone of your kind wouldn't last a day hunting down an alleged criminal."

"And what do you mean by someone of my kind", aren't you apart of that kind?" Harper grimaced as she studied the outlines of the girl's face sitting in front of her. She thought she was beautiful before but when she laughed and was consumed by something of wit her beauty intensified and it was worth staring at but right at that very instant she annoyed her.

"Forgive me for the confusion, but I don't mean your kind as in a woman, I'd be putting own myself down as well if that was the intended.
I meant to say you're kind as in the soft, rich type." Ryn replied and Harper took offence to her words, frowning harder than she'd ever done before.

"So you're assuming because I'm of a particular background means that I'm incapable of the task at hand?"

"Yes, and it's the truth. You're delicate and hunting someone down isn't something you've been moulded to do. So no, I will not have you tag along."

"That's not reason enough. Also, I'm the one paying the reward, I should be allowed to go if I want." Harper snapped sounding like a spoiled child.

"It doesn't work like that I'm afraid. You hired me so that you wouldn't have to do it. This is dangerous work, and I'm not having you parade along to get hurt and I hope you accept that." Ryn stated clearly, with much vexation in her tone over the matter.

"Alright. So you don't want me to come with you, that's not a problem. I guess I'll just have to find someone else to do it, someone who would let me tag along."

"You're crazy, you know that?" Ryn asked and it was the final straw for Harper, she stood from her desk hovering above Ryn. Her face was lined with aggravation, her tongue itched to let loose a verbal beating towards the big-headed girl sitting down looking smug.

"Enough of that! You will not sit here and insult me because I asked to accompany you on the search to find my-" She stopped herself just in time before blurting out something she knew she might regret.

"To find your what?" Ryn leaned forward, interest brewing within her with shades of brown sprinkled in between the green.

"Nothing, just to find her." Harper looked away for a moment but continued when she was calmed.

"As I was saying, you don't need to insult me because of what I asked. It's clear that I can't go with you so now there is no business between us any longer. I'll find someone else to do the job.
Thank you for coming to discuss the matter, but I'm sorry for wasting both of our times."

"Wait," Harper heard as she was making her way over to the door with intentions of aiding Ryn out of her office.


"I changed my mind, I'll let you come with me, just don't give this job to anybody else," she said and Harper studied her in confusion.

"Are you serious or is this some sort of game?"

"I'm absolutely serious."

"Okay. Why then have you changed your mind so quickly?"

"Because of the money. That amount isn't easy to come by these days, so why would I throw it away over some silly compromise?"

"I don't know, you tell me," Harper addressed nonchalantly.

"I wouldn't."

"Good, now we're talking." She replied and watched as Ryn forced a dry smile, which was still enough to cause one's heart to flatter away still.

When she'd rounded the desk yet again taking her seat opposite Ryn, Harper relaxed into the soft fabric of the chair, crossing her legs.

"Now that it's been agreed, when do you think would be a good time for us to leave?"


"Could be as soon as tomorrow; with the exception that we have all the supplies and equipment we'll need." Ryn addressed, carefully taking in everything she could of the stubborn yet gorgeous girl in front of her.

It was hard to deny but so much of Harper's attitude and conduct reminded her of herself.
As maverick as she was that behaviour was relatable to Ryn, so it was like she was sitting there talking to herself.

"That's quite soon and what supplies and equipment would we need?"

"In order to know that we need information about where Therese was last seen, only then would we know exactly what to bring along. If she's somewhere in the city we won't need much but clothes, and protection. If she's somewhere remote, perhaps hiding in the countryside we'll need a few more things."

"I know Therese, the latter is quite unlike her taste and tolerance. If I know her as well as I do, she hasn't even left the province yet let alone dwell in the countryside."

"We still need to be sure but don't worry I'll handle all of that and when I do find out we'll talk about what to take and when to leave," Ryn answered and saw as Harper physically relaxed.
There was silence for a moment among them, but soon enough Harper had rid the air of it.

"I'm curious Ms Bates, what could've caused such a woman like you to pursue hunting criminals as a career?"
Harper inquired and Ryn grinned, she knew that question was coming; people often asked that very question a lot so it was no surprise when the girl did.

"Well, other than me coming from a long line of bounty hunters, it's an interesting job, full of surprises and action. It appeals to me because of the life I live."

"Is it the danger that appeals to you or the money?" Harper bluntly retorted.

"Both honestly. I get to catch bad guys while getting paid hefty, who wouldn't be a slut for that?" Ryn answered and Harper chuckled.

"I personally wouldn't," she stated and Ryn arched a brow.

"So why do you want to go then?"

"This is different, it's not something I'd throw myself at doing again."

"Oh, then you must have one special relationship with Therese then because why would you want to risk your life finding her?" Ryn asked and Harper frowned a little.

Instantly she could sense that there was more to what she'd asked, there had to be. People don't usually risk their lives like that unless it either involves some complicated relationship structure or a whole lot of money.
Which was Harper's reason lingered on her mind.

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