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Harper opened the door to her office only to reveal the person who had been knocking on the other side and was immediately stunned, fastened to hold her gaze.
Standing taller than her by at least seven inches or so was the most gorgeous human she'd ever laid eyes on.

With a rough and almost ruggedly beautiful appearance, Harper stood staring full-fledged at Ryn, taking in her saint-like yet unearthly beauty.

"Good day," she managed to say softly and immediately Ryn smiled.

"You must be Ms Neil, yes?"

Harper nodded at the inexplicably beautiful girl and remained quiet as she continued to talk.

"I was told you'd be in your office. My name's Ryna Bates and I contacted you earlier regarding the bounty on Therese," she added and Harper was left gaping in shock for a while before snapping herself out of her thoughts.

This was the bounty hunter that contacted her assistant and had spoken to her?
If so why hadn't the damn girl informed her that Ryn was a she and not he she'd questioned inwardly but was pulled from her reverie at the sight of the girl extending her hand for a formal greeting.

"It's, uh nice to finally meet you Ryna."

"Oh, you can call me Ryn I go by that name mostly."
Harper was left thinking about why the name given was Ryn and now she had introduced herself as Ryna.
What could've caused her to use such an abbreviation? Within no time she parted her hand away from the firm grip of Ryn's.

"Oh, thanks for sorta clearing the air because I was beginning to wonder why suddenly your name's Ryna.
Come have a seat."

She had to try hard not to drool over the sight of Ryn.
She was quite the looker with her dark hair and hazel-green eyes.
Everything about her was beautiful but in a rough tomboy kinda way, but it was incredibly sexy to Harper.

Ryn had her long hair pulled together and braided down her back, and it allowed full access to her entire face; which was everything.
She had supple lips, that seemed to intensify a smirk fairly well as she regarded Harper.

"I must admit I'm a little taken back at.. well you," Harper informed after she and Ryn had both taken their seats across from the other.

"Yeah, why's that?"

"Well, from the name you'd given to my assistant I had gotten the impression that I was expected to meet a gentleman in the near future, but I was immensely wrong I can see."

"I can see where the confusion stemmed from, most people often think I'm a man from the name."

"I bet. So, Ryn Bates aka Ryna Bates the famous yet not so famous bounty hunter." Harper trailed off and Ryn smiled, almost melting her heart at that.

"Why is it that information about you is so hard to come by?"

"I'm a very private woman, Ms Neil, also not many people know who I am," she answered and Harper lifted a well-trimmed brow.

"How can you be a bounty hunter with so little information out there, how would people be able to be informed of your credibility?"

"I catch whomever they want, that's how I prove myself," Ryn replied and Harper gazed at her confused yet thrilled.
Not only was she pretty but almost complex just as she was, at least it's the vibe Harper had received so far.

"Huh, I see. Well Ryn, I'm no one to judge as I often put a mountain of trust in people, with the exception that everyone deserves it of course, so not a problem for me."

"That's refreshing to hear."

Harper studied her and many more thoughts plagued her mind, like why was she so laconic in particular, so laid back and well-composed?
Whatever the reason it had her sitting on the edge of her seat intrigued.


"So about this woman, Therese. Who is she and why do you need her found exactly?"
Ryn asked staring at Harper.
She was an absolute beauty she thought with her red hair and killer smile.
Each time she blessed Ryn with a smile she couldn't help but gawk over the dimples on either side of her face; they were deep and mesmerizing.

"I need her found because she needs to be. She's dangerous and I want her out of the streets and out of people's way."

"Okay. Why not let the police do that then, let them handle her since she's dangerous?"

"I can't wait until then. I need her before the police have her within their clutches. Let's just say she owes me some things, " Harper responded and Ryn frowned but was able to allow herself to think of the matter in other perspectives.

"She owes you money?"

"More than just money Ryn, but you can use that as justification if needed."

"Understood. The original price is still up for grabs or have you lowered it since my appearance?" Ryn queried and Harper frowned.

"Why on earth do you think it's been lowered, the fifty thousand still stands?"

"I've had some experiences with people who weren't happy with what they got and instead of saying it to my face they waited until I'd done the job to make it known."

"That is distasteful! I could never. I'm a woman of my word, always have, always will be."

"Good, I'd hate to have a reason to despise such a pretty face." She said flat out and instantly Harper blushed.
Her rosy cheeks had turned from slightly pink to almost a dark pink and it caused a pang of satisfaction to ease its way into Ryn's mind. It was quite amusing knowing that her words had such an effect on the girl sitting across from her.

The moment Ryn had laid eyes on her she thought she'd been tripping and had accidentally seen something out of her imagination because there was no way such beauty was real, but she was and she was very much aware of Ryn's glances because she too seemed to have done her own scrutiny.

"I'd hate for you to have a reason to despise me as well," Harper replied and Ryn nodded.

"I bet."

"There's one more thing I need for us to discuss regarding this er.. hunt," Harper added and she caused Ryn to lean forward, devoting all her attention to her.

"Which is?

"I would like to come with you on the hunt," Harper said and Ryn snorted, pulling back into her seat with a look of complete shock.

"You can't be serious?"

"Yes, I am. I would like to accompany you on the hunt." Harper replied with honesty and Ryn laughed, throwing her head back and allowing the joke to ring throughout her mind.

Harper sure was amusing just as she was beautiful Ryn thought as her laughter filled the room.


I've decided to start working on another story as a way to occupy what's left of my time.
Updates on it would be done every other day.
If by any chance anyone's interested in reading it, let me know what you think about it 🤗

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