Chapter 27--Epilogue

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I smooth down my dress. Its a strapless sky blue silk one, I specially ordered it from the Capital, just for this day.

Its been seventeen years since I've been to the Capital, and it feels like it was yesterday. The last time I went was way back when we had the beginnings of the Rebellion, the arrest of Halozay Steel, and the deepening of my love for Cato, and him for me.

Some time after Halozay's arrest, we recieved a letter from Elderflower McClaire, announcing that Halozay "was publicly announced dead," after three years of being held by the Captial. He was announced to die of some illness, but a phone call from Dres confirmed that he was actually killed off by his captors.

Dres is pregnant with her second child, and still happily married to McClaire. They still live in the Capital, but they aren't as crazy looking as everyone else. Her daughter, now five, is a lively little girl, representing her father in personality and mother in looks. She can bring a smile to anyone's face.

My children have grown up into beautiful precious treasures. James is seventeen now, and a joy in my life. He still looks like Cato, with his blonde hair and deep blue eyes. He's almost as tall as his father, but I don't think he'll grow anymore than 5'9. Myna is the most beautiful young lady any mother could hope for. She's a bit taller than me, by three and a half inches as she likes to point out so often, but we still look alike. Her black locks are waist long, her moves graceful, her eyes bright and full of life, especially lately.

I look in the mirror and straighten my shoulders. I still can produce an aura of one who is powerful and youth-like when I want, but I know I'm getting older. And I don't mind. This was how I wanted my life to be. To grow old with the love of my life, to see my children become adults and start families of their own, to be simply happy. And I am.

I hear a soft knock on my small dressing room door before it opens. I look up to see Cato walk into the room, closing the door behind him. "Hi." I say softly. He smiles at me, "Hey." He's dressed in a smart-looking navy suit, with a white tie to match. He is incredibly handsome today, dressed up brilliantly. He holds out his arms and I walk into them slowly. They wrap around me as I place mine around his neck. My slender fingers brush the ends of his blonde hair. White is starting to show through. I chuckle. "What?" He asks me. I shake my head lightly, "Oh nothing. Your hair is turning colors finally, that's all." He laughs softly. "Oh. That." I smile, "Before you know it, we're going to call you Grandpa." He raises an eyebrow, "Only if I can call you Grandma." I laugh, "Never. Not you." Then I lean my head against him and we remain like this for several minutes, saying absolutely nothing.

His voice breaks the lovely silence after some time though, startling me. "You remember our day?" I smile widely. "How could I ever forget?" Cato smiles down at me softly as we begin to sway slowly back and forth. I love Cato. I really honest-to-God do. And I know that he loves me, he's proved it time and time again. Today is going to be hard for the both of us, but at the same time we're happy because we are seeing fresh young love that another couple is affected by. Cato looks down at his watch and says quietly, "Its time."

I step out of his arms and hold his hand, our fingers interlocking. We walk out of the room, closing the door slowly and gently behind us. We walk to the front of the chapel, still holding hands. I see James and walk over to give him a brief hug. His blonde hair sits just right, his eyes sparkling just so, that if Cato wasn't standing next to me, I'd believe James was Cato as a youth once more. James is also smartly dressed in a tan suit that was once Cato's. "Hi Mom. You're not helping the bride?" I smile, "No, she wanted her bridesmaids to help and her old mother to stay away this morning." He laughs lightly, "Common Mom, you know you're not old." I smile as a young girl walks up to us. "Not just yet." I turn to the girl and give her a side hug before James can make a retort.

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