Chapter 5

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I dedicated this chapter to TaylorMads20 because she has an amazing story of Cato's life before the Games <3 if you haven't checked it out, you need to........its a majorly good read!!!!!

**Picture is of escort, Kyrsta Razz



"What?!" Surely the doctor is mistaken. He clears his throat and repeats. "I said. You are three months pregnant."

I am shocked. No way. Me... pregnant?! I stumble home and sit down at the dinner table in shock. How can I have a baby? I mean, I'm not ready! I hear a door slam as Cato calls, "I'm home Clove! How was your doctor's appointment?"

Cato and I train potential Careers, but lately I haven't been able to. I've been feeling nauseous and cant seem to get out of bed. Finally I'd had enough and gone to see a doctor. Now it all makes sense. Cato sees me slumped in a chair and asks with a slight hint of worry, "Clove? Is every thing alright?" He sits next to me and grabs my hand. "Tell me. What did he say?" After a minute I look up at him and whisper, "I'm pregnant." Joy lits up his face as he hugs me. "Thats great news Clove!!" I bury my head and hands in his chest. "But what if I can't do it? What if I end up failing like my mother? I mean, its a new life! A new...person. Can I do it?" Cato smiles gently and says, "We can do this. You will make a great mother, and anytime you don't think so, take a deep breath and ask for help. You won't be alone. I promise. Remember, we can do anything together." Comforted, I tilt his head down for a kiss.

* * *

Those 12 months were the best months of my life. But then the 75th Hunger Games roll around. I walk with Cato to the Town Center where our reapings are held. We arrive late so we only see the last half of the Capital's chosen video for this year. President Snow is saying, "The victors of previous Games will return to play in the 75th games." Or something like that. But even then I don't worry. District Two has thirty plus victors. Kyrsta Razz is onstage, pulling her hands out of the bowl with the names of the female tributes. It turns out to be our mentor, Enobaria. I can tell she is not taking this well as she walks to the stage. But still I admire her braveness for not allowing her conflicting feelings to be revealed.

"And this year's male tribute is..." I put my hand to my bulging stomach; for good luck maybe? But it seems good luck had failed me. Kyrsta's voice rings out, "Cato Jacov!"

For the first time in District Two's history, there are no volunteers. I look up at his emotionless face in horror. He will return to the arena.


Sorry this one was so short!!


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