Chapter 15

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Picture is of Dres! 



I knock on his door, taking a deep breath. The moon outside a window to my left lights up the small space of floor at my feet. I hope Cato's awake but I don't know. It took me a while to find this place. Its past one now. I hadn't been able to sleep, I had been reading the papers I now held. That was why I was at his door. To hand Cato proof that could end this conflict. I knock again, louder this time. Should I just hand him the papers? Or tell him about them? Or--before I can think of any more options, Cato opens the door. He's wearing a blue bathrobe. He's barefoot and looks like he just got out of the shower. Cato looks surprised to see me. I hand him the papers I'm holding without speaking. He looks at the five sheets of paper, looking perplexed. "What are these?"

I answer, my voice soft. "You wanted proof. I took pregnancy tests with different doctors. None of them knew I went to other doctors, none of them knew what has been going on between us. So the tests arn't rigged Cato. They all pulled up the same results. You're the father." Cato looks up from the papers, stunned. I guess he doesn't know what to say.

Before any words can form themselves and be out of his mouth, I slowly turn and walk back to the building my rooms are located in. I sigh, walk onto my floor, and slowly dress for bed once I close the door to my bedroom behind me. The only I can do about Cato now is wait, and pray he reads the papers with an open heart. I miss talking to him. I miss his voice, his smell, his touch. Its like a part of me packed its bags and left with him when he did three and a half weeks ago. Even at the RSR meetings, we've had twelve total, he's only spoken to me twice. And that's because there wasn't any way around it.

I head to my large bed, but before I can crawl under the sheets, I hear a loud rapping on my front door. With a sigh, I get up and walk over out of my room, heading to the door. Opening it, I see Cato. He's changed into a white tank top and dark jeans. He's out of breath as if he ran all the way here. I step aside to let him in. Cato steps through the doorway and closes the large door behind him. He grabs my head, cradling my face in his hands, and pulling me to him, kissing me. Cato breaks away after a few blissful moments with tears in his eyes.

"Clove." His voice is breaking as he speaks. "I'm sorry. I can't believe I didn't... I'm sorry I wouldn't listen to you. I was being incredibly stupid." The tears fall down his face. I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him again. He wraps his strong arms around my waist, being careful of my bulging belly. He whispers, "Mother came and kinda... knocked some sense into me. I'm sorry you had to go so far to get me to believe you." I whisper back, "I'm just glad you're here now." And I am as I lean in for another kiss. Just glad to have him in my arms.



1. YAY! They got back together. Finally. I know this one was short so SORRY!!!

2. Everyone's suspicious of Danielle!!!! What makes you guys think she's the one?

3. Please give feedback guys!!! I need to see at least 3 comments for the next one!! You guys are awesome to keep reading this story, I love to read your thoughts on it!!! 


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