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AH!!!!!!!!!!! we're at chapter twenty!! Ohmigoodness!!!! C: Hope you guys like this chapter!!!! Instead of progressing, I have done a different sort of chapter. I've re-written the Jacov's wedding....... In Cato's PoV.

a little celebration, on my part, that we're at twenty chapters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Thankyou for sticking with the story everyone!  

I will continue with the what happens to Clove in chapter 21 ;) 

Picture is of Clove's dress!! (ignore the girl wearing the dress xD)



I'm in my dressing room, trying to remember how to breathe. This day is here. Really, truly, and finally here. I try to tie the long and thin black tie that lays against my white suit shirt, but I'm failing. I give up and start to pace the floor. Back and forth. Back. Forth. Back. Forth.

I continue like this for at least several minutes before the scheduled time for the wedding comes and with it, a knock on my door. I look up and walk over to the door. Opening it, I see my sixteen year old sister Clarissa standing outside. "Rissa." She smiles and comes in. "Cato. Ready for today?" She asks in her soft voice, followed by a wink. I smile and respond, "Yes. No. Sort of."


"Incredibly. Can I really do this? I love her to death, so much. But can I take care of her enough? What if I make a mistake and ruin everything?" Clarissa smiles up at me. "You probably will, all couple do. But you'll learn from them because I know how much love you both have for each other."

I pull her into a hug. "Thankyou Rissa." I hear her smile through her voice as she responds, her tiny frame just smaller than Clove's leaning against my massive one. "Anytime bro." Clarissa steps back. "Now. You need to be waiting for her at the end of the aisle, and you won't be unless we head out there now." I laugh, "Right."

We leave my dressing room and head for the front of the church.. I send Clarissa to sit with Mom and Dad in the second row of chairs. I take my place on the stage next to the priest. I nervously mess with the buttons on my jacket's sleeve collars.

Time passes slowly for me. After an agonizing wait, the music starts and the flower girl slowly walks down the aisle, preparing the way for my bride. My bride... We're really here. Really doing this. It seems less than a couple of months ago when we won the Games. When we won. It still amazes me that we came out together, the first double victors ever.

Changes in the music makes my eyes look up from the floor and down the aisle again. The maid of honor, a girl named Danielle Mason, has finished walking the aisle, her sunset orange dress matching that of the other bridesmaids and flower girls.

And then she's here. And she outshines them all. Her brother Christoph leads her to me -- her dad is unable to so Christoph willingly volunteered. But Clove's radiant face is what my eyes are glued to. That dress...

I knew it was beautiful in the store when she picked it out. But now? On her?! Its gorgeous, accenting her slender frame perfectly. I smile at her as our eyes meet. She is too breathtaking. I can't describe it.

I have to force my stunned brain to tell my mouth to speak as she stands next to me. "You...are... so beautiful. I love you." She looks up at me with her mesmerizing eyes and I melt.

The wedding goes by so fast and before I know it, we've come to the point where we're gonna say our vows. Clove parts her beautiful lips and speaks clearly, "Cato, You are the love of my life. Nothing can say it more than that. You are my lifelong companion, my best friend, my soul mate. Your smile brightens every moment of my every day. You make me laugh, you make me strong, you make me secure. And I will never ever let you go." She closes her mouth as she finishes. I smile brightly at her. She is so wonderful.

I take a breath before I commit myself to her. It took me a little while to think of these vows, but I wanted them to be perfect. I want her to know exactly what she means to me. "Clove. Today is going to be unforgettable. Because you're here, because today we are finally becoming husband and wife. It is a dream come true for me. I can never deserve you, and I will never stop trying to make you happy. You complete my life. You are the final piece to my life's puzzle. You are the one I go to with all of my troubles. You are my light, my hope, my humor, my joy, my life. You are smart, incredible, beautiful, perfect. And I love you with all of my heart, with all that I am." I grab her hand and pull it up to my lips, kissing it softly before I finish, "I am so blessed to have you." I take the ring and slide it onto her finger. It took me forever to find, but it was worth it. Its a silver band. A square diamond sits in the middle, with four little diamonds, two on each side of the large one. Under the ring I had an engravement carved in which says, "Our love is forever". I see Clove smile up at me and I immediately smile back.


WELLL??????????????? Did I do okay?? :3  

5 comments and 5 votes for the next one!!!!! :D 


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