Chapter 18

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Cato roars out in anger. I scream, "No!" This can't be happening! "NO!" I cry out again. My baby, my poor baby. My knees collapse. Chase's crumpled body is covered in blood. I stare at it in shock, this has to be a dream. It has to.

SNAP. My eyes glance up to see Cato's large hands removing themselves from the rebel's neck. The rebel collapses to the ground. I glare at the body. I don't care, I hope he felt his neck snap. He needed to. He deserved it. For taking my baby boy away from me. Cato kneels by his son's body, tears in his eyes. Cato screams out in rage and grief. My tears fall down my face. I can't make a noise. This isn't happening. Its just a nightmare Clove. You're going to wake up soon. Cato stands, his eyes flaming in rage. He screams out in anger once more for anyone to see.

And then we hear the dreadful noise of an approaching plane. Just when things couldn't get any worse. I stand up and with wobbly legs, slowly make my way over to Chase's corpse. I get down on my knees and begin to shake his body--hoping, praying for him to open his beautiful eyes and stand up out of the blood puddle. "Come on Chase." I tell him, starting at a whisper and making my voice grow to a yell, screaming at him. "Get up. Get up Chase! The bombs are coming and we have to go!" Cato seems to hear my cry because he picks me up.

I struggle, screaming and kicking. "No! No, we have to wait for Chase! He's going to wake up. We have to take him with us!" The planes are coming closer. Cato looks me in my teary eyes. "He's dead Clove." I refuse to believe it. He can't be, its impossible. "No! No he's not! You're imagining things!"

"Clove!" Cato yells at me. I still am trying to get out of his protective arms and back to my son's body. And then Cato does something to get my attention. Something he's never done before. He slaps me. Not with all of his strength, but hard enough to get me to look at him. I'm stunned but I stop screaming and struggling. He kisses me briefly before speaking, his voice cracking and breaking, like his whole soul is being revealed in this instant. "He's dead Clove. Our son, is dead." Cato starts crying silently again as he leads me out of the rubble, away from the bomb that falls, blowing that place, and everything there, to bits.

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