Chapter 43: Fukukado?

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Okay sorry for my other stories I've wanted to write this chap since day one sorry not sorry.

Todoroki's POV

"Neko-kun?" Uraraka asked approaching cautiously.

"Izuku?" Aizawa sensei asked approaching cautiously as well.

Shouji was just frozen in place as Fukukado was spamming on him while also trying to place them on the ground gently.


"Just relax Fukukado" Shouji said as he tried to set them down only for them to continue spasming, their back arching.

Several lines of colors formed on their skin causing us to panic.

Red, dark blue, light green, silver and hazel lines formed on their body and their eyes begin to glow with those colors.

"Fukukado/Izuku!" We yelled.


The light appeared in their mouth as well.

Shouji didn't know what to do anymore as they were spasming even more that he held them tighter so that their body wouldn't snap.


"AOOOOOOOOOOGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH" they screamed their eyes and mouth wide with the light blinding all of us.

"Uhhhh What happened?" A voice asked.

"Woah our head suddenly doesn't hurt anymore is your quirk improving Mido?" Another voice asked.

"Hulabuda bleh that just rolls off the tongue the wrong way" Another voice said.

The light eventually cleared and I blinked my eyes at what I saw.

Five Fukukados (Comment now what you think they look like and if I like it I might even consider changing it into that)

They all had Fukukado's clothes but had some unique features.

Two of them had black hair.

One of the ones with black hair was messy and long so much that it covered his right eye.

His ears and tail were completely black hair in parallel to his mainly dark green ears and tail with black tips.

His "they're???" left eye was a plain silver.

"Wait a minute...."

The other one with black hair had his hair down but still curly and fluffy looking.

His ears and tails were pretty much the same.

His or their "I honestly don't know so I'll just use his since if what I think happened to them happened, him is correct." eyes were a vivid red.

Another one had a similar hairstyle as the red eyed one but with Fukukado's normal green hair and was just messy and overall soft looking instead of curly.

He carried Fukukado's normal tail.

He carried hazel brown eyes.

The next two looked a lot simpler.

One was basically a carbon copy of Fukukado but with glasses and dark blue eyes.

The other was a literal mini Fukukado.

His tail was smaller than the others for obvious reasons he's legit a kitten with its usual color palette.

He had bright green eyes.

"Yup that confirms it."

"Fukukado?" Shouji asked.

I move to look at Shouji along with Aizawa sensei to gasp at the sight.

In Shouji's arms was Fukukado but his they're? eyes and expression were blank.

Shouji shook him in his arms and no movement was made.

"Hello?" Shouji said shaking him again. "Fukukado are you in there?"

"I doubt he's in there" I said surprising him.

"What?" Shouji asked.

I pointed at the five Fukukados.

"Those are his personalities and whatever was put in him appears to have removed them from him."

"Woah seriously!?!" The one who I KNOW is Mido due to his eyes' hazel hue.

"Why are you all so tall!?!" Izu whined.

"Awww you're us as a child!" Yamikumo said his hands on his cheeks and smiling gleefully.

"Wait so now I have to face everybody ALONE!?!" Akatani yelled horrified.

"You won't be alone you have me" Yamikumo said grabbing him and putting him in a one armed hug with his right arm while holding Izu with his left arm.

"Are you okay?" Aizawa sensei asked.

"Yes were fine da- sensei" they all said.

"No not any of that" Aizawa sensei said going over to them clearly not caring about how the others just stared at him.

"Come on all of you huddle together and don't you dare try to run away" he said as Akatani, Yamikumo, Mido and Mikumo formed a square with Izu in Yamikumo's arms.

Aizawa sensei pulled them into a hug.

"F#ck the secret thing I'm not risking my son anymore" Aizawa sensei said hugging them tighter.

"Son!?!" We said shocked.

"Let go now to the others they're probably worried" Mikumo said as Aizawa sensei let go.

"Oh it's going to be fun explaining this one" Yamikumo said looking at Fukukado? on Shouji's arms.

"Definetly" Mikumo said.

Akatani's POV (y'all do not know how long I've wanted to do this)

We- or w- uhhh get it right I guess that I walked with Dad and the others to the others.

Yami had me and Izu in his arms as we walked.

"Hey Todo-chan how do you think the others will react to this?" Mido asked.

"They'll definetly be surprised" Todo-chan answered.

"I mean Aunt Shino did inform the others that the villains got us for some time right?" Yami asked.

Todo-chan nodded.

"Oh they're gonna cause a scene" Yami said. "Right, Tani?"

"Y-yeah definetly" I stuttered.

"I thought you got over your stuttering phase with our classmates?" Miku asked.

"That's because I had you guys with me" I said. "Now I have to face them without Izuku."

"Speaking of" Mido said. "How is he Shouji?"

"Still the same" Shouji said and showed him cradled in his arms.

"We should stay behind the group and surprise them" Izu said.

"Yeah they probably do need time to process this" Todo-chan said as we moved behind the group.

"There they are!" Uraraka said pointing at the others with the pros.

They turned to look at the group and sighed in relief.

"What happened to Fukukado!?!" Our classmate's asked shocked seeing the blank Izuku.

"Well basically" Uraraka said and made a gesture for us to go to them.

We obeyed with Miku at the front.

"I think we broke Kaminari" Yami said.

"What the hell happened" Sero said.

Yeah I'm really excited to continue writing these parts as I really wanted to write this since the beginning -w-

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