Chapter 22: Internship

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Izuku's POV
We just got changed into our new hero costume and looked in the mirror to check ourselves out.

We didn't get a capture scarf as that would just take too long and also it would take forever to master it

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We didn't get a capture scarf as that would just take too long and also it would take forever to master it.

We went out of the bathroom and went to Koneko's office and saw her there sitting on her desk with her guns on the desk.

"Good let's go on patrol" she said standing up and picking up her guns.

"Knee it she would go for patrol immediately" Yamikumo said.

"Well she's known to be very serious despite being a Neko" Mikumo said. "Also please tell me I'm not the only one slightly intimidated by her guns."

"You're not alone" Mido said.

"She uses them to fight so we can't really complain also you think she'll teach us how to use weapons like her?" Akatani wondered.

"Hey! Let's go kid!" Koneko said.

We went out and followed her to patrol despite just being embarrassed in her agency since we were muttering along with that we kept her hanging.

It had been a few hours of patrolling when we were walking down the street and we saw a few thugs on an alleyway attacking some children who appeared to be homeless due to the rags they were wearing and their dirty appearance along with the absence of their parents.

"Watch kid and learn from how I do this k?" Koneko said as she ran in(on two legs).

"Oi! Let them go punks!" She said catching the thugs' attention.

There were about five thugs and three children there and the thugs stared at Koneko. (Koneko stands a whopping 130 cm but Izuku and his personalities never pointed it out because they don't judge heights also they know how strong she is)

"You think your guns there are scary cat?" One thug asked mockingly but was sweating slightly.

"I bet they aren't even real just some pretty toys right? Go play with your yarn instead" Another said in the same tone as the first one but sweating even more.

"Oof" Yamikumo said.

"They recognize her but are just acting tough" Izu said.

"They are t o a s t" Akatani said.

Koneko shrugged as the thugs sweat even more.

"Surrender now or fight?" She asked confidently.

The thugs gave each other glances and we heard whispers of "#26 pro hero", "surrendering is safer" and "But we cant just give up."

"I surrender!" One of the thugs said holding their hands in the air.

"Go over to Nekoippai then" Koneko said gesturing to us.

Koneko looked at us and tossed over some handcuffs that we quickly caught with telekinesis to keep the thug in sight and cuffed the thug.

"Well boys?" She asked lifting her gun up. "Your decision?"

One of the thugs gulped as he suddenly had a determined look on his face.

"No way man!" He declared. "We may have lost Riku but we ain't losing to you!"

The four activated their quirks and we saw one grow claws, Another had hardened parts of their body, one of them created fire, the fourth had orbs floating around her and the last created a knife.

Koneko shrugged as she jumped in and dodged the fire which we stopped from going further with the arrested thug's shadow.

She kicked the guy who created fire in the face as the guy with long claws jumped at her and we stopped her with telekinesis.

"Thanks Neko" Koneko said as she shot the right knee of the guy with the hardening quirk(because they can't harden things like their joints in order to move).

The guy yelled as he fell to the ground clutching his knee and the orbs hit Koneko which were small explosives but they barely did any damage.

Koneko jumped on the head of the guy with the fire quirk who we stopped with telekinesis and she jumped to the guy who could create orbs and grew claws slashing the orbs then knocking the guy down.

The guy who created a knife just froze from the scene and surrendered.

We cuffed the thugs and sent them to the police station while Koneko checked on the children.

When we came back, Koneko just sent he children to an orphanage for them which caused us to cringe being in a orphanage once.

"Poor kids" Akatani said.

"Yeah... the orphanage is NOT pleasant" Yamikumo said shivering as he remembered his state before.

"You guys never know" Izu said. "Maybe it was just the orphanage we were in that was bad! There's no way ALL orphanages are like that."

"Good to see you're so optimistic" Mikumo said.

"Anyway" Koneko said. "This was a solid patrol. We still have about ten minutes but we're gonna work on your use of objects specifically weapons."

"Weapon training?" We asked. "Why do we need that?"

"You see kid, everyone loves using their quirks so much that they don't give weapons a try" Koneko answered. "You never know what you'll need and when so it's best to be fully prepared."

We nod understanding what she meant and we continue the rest of her patrol before returning to her agency to train.

Alright so I rushed this chapter to address a certain problem.

I made a poll on a chapter for the ships I'm gonna use.

I got three Kamijirou votes on the time of the poll.

When the poll was done however....

I've gotten about six votes for Kamisero.

So I'm gonna do this.

Vote Kaminari's ship:

Even if you've already voted please revote in this chapter so I can easily count.

The poll will end next Friday.

Also I fixed the problem of Iida looking like he's swearing when he asked about the train station.

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