Chapter 21: One for All and Internship

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All Might's POV
I just told Young Fukukado about my secret and One for All since I deem him worthy of my power.

"I'm sorry All Might.... but we cannot accept"

I nearly spat out blood at their statement.

"What makes you say that Young Fukukado?"

"Well its just........ we don't need your power" They started. "You said so yourself we have six amazing quirks and think we are fit to be the next symbol of peace but..... that's why we don't need your power."

"What are you getting at Young Fukukado?" I asked.

"We have enough we're content with this. As much as the world could benefit from us getting your power..... we can't. We just think it's selfish" They said. "We were gifted with such amazing powers to be a hero and get offered this power while the quirkless and those with weak powers have to learn to survive the harshness of society. It just feels wrong to take this power we're sorry."

I was silent hearing this. They were looking at the ground sadly as they said this. They declined the opportunity to succeed the symbol of peace because they want someone else to have my power.

"I understand Young Fukukado" I said. "If anything that statement made you even more worthy but I'll take your words to heart."

They lift their head and say. "Thanks for the opportunity All Might. Don't worry I won't tell a fly of your secret."

"See you after your internship Young Fukukado."
Izuku's POV (Time Skip to going to Internships)
We just got out of the train and we had our suitcase with our newly made hero costume.

Power Loader wasn't very happy to hear we wanted to change our costume but understood when we pointed out the pain of our scars.

While we went our separate ways, we couldn't help but notice Iida had a dark expression on his face.

"Hey Iida" We said with Uraraka behind us. "If there's anything you need to talk you know you can tell us right? Because we're your friends."

"Of course thank you" He said as he walked away.

"He's out for vengeance" We all thought.

"Let's remember to look out for him if we encounter him that's another reason we picked an agency at Hosu" Mikumo reminded.

"Of course" We all said as followed Iida since we go on the same train as him.

"Fukukado, why are you following me?" Iida asked.

"Our internship is in Hosu as well so we're taking the same train" We told him.

"Oh I see"

The train ride was awkward to say the least. We barely spoke and a lot of people recognized us from the sports festival.

When the train ride was over, we said goodbye to him to receive a silent answer as we went on our way.

We eventually reach the agency which was a modern looking building and entered.

We meet a man and introduce ourselves who then leads us to Koneko's office.

"Ms Koneko! Izuku Fukukado is here!" He said.

"Just let him in Riku!" Koneko said as she walked over.

(This is what she looks like Art not mine and if she's from an anime I don't know her I just googled Neko anime girl and found her)

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(This is what she looks like Art not mine and if she's from an anime I don't know her I just googled Neko anime girl and found her)

"Hello Ms Koneko" We said bowing.

"No need to bow kid" Koneko said. "Since I know your name it's only fair I say mine, I'm Koneko Dobutsu. I chose my hero name to be my first name since it means kitten and I see no need in being called differently."

"We're Izuku Fukukado well we have different names but we're all collectively called Fukukado and our hero name is Nekoippai" We said.

"Introduce yourselves" she said.

Our eyes went dark blue as Mikumo came out. "I'm Mikumo Fukukado. My quirk is super computer, my brain is essentially like a computer."

Our eyes went bright red as Yamikumo went next. "I'm Yamikumo Fukukado! My quirk is shadow manipulation, I can create and manipulate shadows with my own stamina."

Mido went next. "I'm Mido Fukukado. My quirk is telekinesis, it's self explanatory and I have a weight limit, going over it results in headaches."

Izu took over. "I'm Izu Fukukado! My quirk is illusions, I can make illusions from my breath and hands, creating too many for too long makes our eyesight blurry."

Akatani went last. "I'm Akatani Fukukado..... my quirk is earth flow...... I can control the ground by making contact with it."

"Nice to meet you all" Koneko said. "I'll show you to your room then we can get to work."

We brought our things as we went up stairs and she led us to an office like room.

"Sorry that the bed may not be the most comfortable thing for your back, I was going to have a fold-up bed set up but then my niece needed the fold-up bed for her to sleep in since my parents are visiting her" Koneko explained

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"Sorry that the bed may not be the most comfortable thing for your back, I was going to have a fold-up bed set up but then my niece needed the fold-up bed for her to sleep in since my parents are visiting her" Koneko explained.

"No problem we're here to train anyway" We said.

"Good that you at least kept that in mind" She said. "The bathroom is the room next door you can get changed there or just close your window I'm giving you eight minutes."

She walked out and left us to get changed.

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