Chapter 26: End of Internship

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Izuku's POV
Before we knew it, our internship was over. We were standing in front of Koneko's agency getting ready to leave.

"Hey! Nekoippai!" Koneko said.

"Yes?" We asked.

"Sign In this" Koneko said giving us a pink notebook.

"Uhhh sure but why?" We asked.

"I showed my niece a picture of you and flipped seeing as you're Zuzu the Neko, her favorite singer" Koneko explained. "She has her notebook sent over and wants your autograph."

"Oh okay then" we said as we signed a page in the notebook and gave it to her.

"Anyway good luck with the media" Koneko said.

"What why?" We asked.

"You'll see why I made you practice indoors the rest of the internship on your way back" she said.

"Why do I feel like we're about to be swarmed?" Akatani asked.

We bid our goodbyes to Koneko and made our way to the train station and we understood what she meant.

The public was flipping out seeing us as one of the UA students that beat Stain and we bolted away because Akatani and Izu were getting extremely uncomfortable from all the questions.

When we reached the train, we were trapped.

Everyone recognized us as the champion of the sports festival and one of the three students that locked up the Hero Killer.

We had taken numerous pics with people, was asked a lot of questions and showered in compliments.

"Looks like its too late to be like dad now huh?" Izu said.

"Yeah especially with the name Nekoippai practically being treated like a freshly debuted hero" Mikumo said.

"Why must hero life be so difficult?" Akatani sulked.

*Time skip to the class discussing their internships brought to you by Ms Joke And Izuku bonding by shouting memes at the top of their lungs*

We were walking to class and saw Todo-Chan and went into class with him to get jumped by our classmates.

"YOU GUYS BEAT THE HERO KILLER!?!" Kaminari yelled shocked.

"You guys had one hell of an internship!" Kirishima said.

"Unlike pretty boy over there" Sero said pointing at Kaachan.

We looked at Kaachan who had newly styled hair in the Best Jeanist style.

"PFFFTTTTTTT" Yamikumo, Mido And Izu laughed.

"Don't laugh Don't laugh" Mikumo repeated to himself while Akatani just stared.

"SHUT UP!" Kaachan yelled and his hair returned to normal.

"Awww man" Yamikumo said seeing his hair return to normal.

"I still can't believe Iida did that though" Yaoyorozu said.

"Yeah Iida seemed so mature and serious" Jirou commented.

"His emotions got the best of him" Mikumo said taking control briefly.

"How was your internship Ochaco?" Tsu asked Uraraka who had a scary aura.

"I probably would've backed up to the wall if we didn't encounter the Hero Killer" Akatani And Izu said.

"Yeah what on Earth happened to the cute, bubbly Uraraka?" Mido asked.

"It was very enlightening" Uraraka said.

"We should spar at some point Uraraka-chan!" Yamikumo said taking control.

"We should Neko-kun!" Uraraka said.

(Kaminari says the Hero Killer is cool)

"What the f#%k Kaminari?" Yamikumo said.

Mikumo took control.

"Language Yami...." Mikumo said. "Also I don't believe you should call the Hero Killer cool after what he did it's just not right."

"Sorry" Kaminari said.

"If it helps bro I kinda thought that as well" Sero said.

"Thanks bro" Kaminari said.

*Time Skip to The Race and All Might explained everything brought to you by Aizawa wanting to pet the cat officer*

"And to avoid damage as much as possible" All Might said pointing at Kaachan.

"Dang he just got called out" Yamikumo said.

"Well his destructive behavior is quite obvious just by him constantly trying to attack others" Mido said.

"Anyways Let's put our training with Koneko to use!" Mikumo said.

We were part of the first batch and had to go up against Ashido, Sero, Ojirou and Shouji(because Iida is suspended I picked a random student).

We pulled out daggers that we would use as things to hold on to when jumping around with shadows because telekinesis is too slow.


We jumped and Yami started making shadow blasts from our feet and we stabbed onto pipes to get a better footing.

"Thank you for saving me!" All Might said to us as we arrived first.

"Yay!" Izu cheered.

Everyone else did their races and we watched as their improvements and writing them down in our notebook(YES HE STILL HAS IT I JUST KEPP FORGETTING TO WRITE IT IN).

We were changing in the locker room when Mineta suddenly called us.

"Hey Fukukado, look what I found! Someone put a hole in the wall! A previous generation has given us a gift. You know what's on the other side, right? This peels into the girls' locker room!"

Disgusted, Mido takes control and flings him to the ceiling across the room.

"Thanks Fukukado!" Ashido yelled.

"No problem" Mido said.

"Yeah he's just plain gross" Izu said taking control.
Okay so it's pretty clear Kamisero is going to get added.

I. Need. Help

When did the ship start?? What arc? Why do people ship it?

I need to know to be able to write properly and I added a small scene of their bromance already also.

Should I add Momojirou?

Comment down below if I should.

If I get five requests for Momojirou I'll add it.

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