Chapter 31: Final exams start

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Ashido's POV
"Submit your papers" Aizawa Sensei said as the timer went off signaling the test was over.


I passed my paper and jumped to Fukukado.

"Thanks a lot Fukukado-kun!" Me and Kaminari cheered at the same time.

"I actually got all the items!" Kaminari said.

"Glad to have helped" Fukukado said.

(Time Skip to everyone in hero costumes and about to do final exams)

We all went out in our hero costumes and went out to see all the teachers lined up.

"Why are there so many teachers?" Someone asked.
Izuku's POV
"Oh my hot crispy Kentucky fried chicken" Akatani said.

We just walked out of the changing rooms and saw all the teachers lined up.


"Also make sure to train hard for the practicals" dad said.

"Yeah But we think we can be at ease since it's just robots" Mikumo said taking over briefly.

"Oh we'll see about that" he said smirking.

End of flashback

"So today is the day of your practical exams" dad said. "I'm sure you've all done your research about this test.

"And we're going to be fighting robots!" Kaminari and Ashido cheered.

"That would be the case so" Dad said and uncle Nezu suddenly popped out of his scarf and pushed dad's face we don't know whether or not by accident.

"That's why we're changing things up this year!" He declared.

"How can you be so smart and adorable at the same time Uncle Nezu?" Yami asked wanting to hug Uncle Nezu.

"Changing it?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"There will be hero work of course, but also teamwork and combat between actual people. So what does that mean? You students will be working in pairs against one of your esteemed U.A teachers!" Uncle Nezu said.

"We have already decided on your partners" dad said. "Yaoyorozu and Fukukado are a pair" he put his arms in a fighting stance. "And you're up against me."

We gulped remembering our sparring matches with dad. Not very fun at all.

"Yeah and he's unpredictable" Izu said.

"One minute he's tough and serious then he could switch to a huge softie" Yami said.

"*other pairs I'm too lazy to list rn* and we Todoroki and Bakugou as a pair" dad said. "And their opponent is."

Out of nowhere, All Might jumped in in fromt of the two.

"I WILL DO IT!" All Might said.

"In order to win, you'll have to put these handcuffs on your teacher or escape your combat stage" He explained.

"Is it really okay to just book it?" Ashido asked.

"It's gonna be a lot different from that combat training y'all went through earlier! After all, you're up against people that are waayyyyyyy better than you!" Uncle Hizashi said.

"Better, really? I don't know anyone" Jirou said.


"PFFFFTTTTT" me and my personalities laughed.

"If you think you can't take your opponent, then stay and fight" Snipe said.

"But in instances where you're outmatched it would be smarter to run away and find help, Iida I'm sure you've learned your lesson by now right?" Dad said.

"I won't make the same mistake. I'll win today, and prove I'm a hero!" Iida declared.

(All Might explains the weights blah blah blah the strategizing starts)

"Yaoyorozu!" We said.

"Yes Fukukado-kun?" She asked.

"Let's make a strategy to win!" We said.

"Okay" She said. "But you're already smarter than me and have even beat the Hero Killer so I'll follow your strategy."

"Does she really think that?" We all thought.

"She sounds like Tani" Mido said.

"Even I cant deny that comment..." Akatani said.

"Eh? No way!" We said surprising her. "You're a genius Yaoyorozu! We only got higher than you because of Miku's quirk! You're that smart on your own! Now that's impressive! So let's make a strategy!"

"O-Okay" She said nervously.

"Is this why we were paired up?" Mikumo said.

"What do you mean Miku?" Izu asked.

"Yeah I get it...." Akatani said. "We've easily been presented as the most promising student in the first year.... Yaomomo seems to not be as confident as she was before after the sports festival... could her defeat have made her lose her confidence?"

"That's true" Mido said.

"Then we better fix that!" Yami said.

"We have a general idea of what to do but we don't really have a complete plan" we admitted to her.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Well one of us has to constantly use his or her quirk to see when he is coming. I think maybe Mido should just float a rock or something so when it suddenly drops Aizawa Sensei is there."

"That's a good idea" she said. "I'm sure you can think of more..."

"Why won't you suggest?" We asked knowing full well why.

"You're so amazing Fukukado.... you're bound to be a powerful and well respected pro hero..." she said. "I lost so easily back at the sports festival and you own it all...  and then there's the Hero Killer... we'll surely succeed with your strategy."

"Damn she really thinks so highly of us" Akatani said flustered from Yaomomo's compliments.(NO I AM NOT IMPLYING DEKUMOMO ITS JUST AKATANI IS FLUSTERED ABOUT HER BEING A GIRL)

"We don't think so Yaomomo" we said and she looked at us. "Both of those events, we could've easily lost."

"Yeah anyone could've shot down a flying cat" Mikumo said.

"I'm surprised no one did" Mido said.

"Also the wind pressure from the quirks or just plain movin could've removed Izu's illusion on the headband" Yamikumo said.

"And the Hero Killer was a guess from all the information known about him" Izu said.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yeah" we said. "Also there's nothing to be ashamed about with losing once. Wise words from our dad: As bad as failure is, it's a waste of time just sulking over it. Take it as a growing opportunity and revive as a stronger person. Besides, you're really good at these kind of things. We should know, you had two votes to become class rep right? One of those votes... was us."

She stares at us and she doesn't even hide her surprise and us silent for a bit before saying.

"All right lets do this!"

"SUCCESS!" Izu cheered.
Yeet I made a chapter

If this chapter is posted at like 4:00 am for you. Don't ask why because that's just timeline stuff.

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