Chapter 4: Class rep

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Izuku's POV
I chatted with "our" classmates and explained my personalities or "family" to them and they were all really interested.

"That's so cool!" Kaminari complimented.

"You're never alone in a fight if that's the case!" Mina said.

"Not just in a fight in dark times as well" I answered.

"Has your 'family' ever been a problem?" Yaoyorozu asked interested.

"Oh they're exhausting" I said smiling.

"Your so cruel Izuku!" Izu said.

"VILLAIN TEAM WINS!!!" All Might declares and we turn back to the screen to see Iida restrained by Ojiro's tail and Shouji was in capture tape.

"I find it horribly ironic we're training to become heroes but of two fights the villains won" Yamikumo said.

"It just proves we're all open strategists" Mikumo said.

"Come on Miku" Mido said. "You have to admit it's kind of ironic."

"I still don't like that nickname" Mikumo said.

"Well Mikumo is too long~" Mido said.

"You guys are exhausting" I said to them.

"Come on Izuku! You know you love us!" Izu teased smiling.

"Yeah yeah" I said.

Kirishima's POV
It was lunch time and I was going to eat with Mina and Kaminari like I did yesterday when Mina had an idea.

"Hey Fukukado!" Mina called out to the cat boy.

"Yes?" He asked walking over.

"You should eat with us!"

"Sorry guys I was going to eat with Iida and Uraraka" Fukukado said bowing.

Him bowing with his cat ears and tail following was so cute oh my god.

"It's fine man we can go some other time" I said and he smiled before walking away.

"I think we all agree he's adorable" Kaminari said.

"100%" Mina said.

"He's so cute and manly" I said.
Izuku's POV
I was walking inside UA when I suddenly get pounced by reporters asking questions about All Might's teaching.

"So many...." Akatani said terrified.

"They're so noisy" Izu said wanting to cover our ears.

"Yami calm down please don't murder the media" Mikumo said.

"STOP GIVING THEM ANXIETY!" Yami yelled mentally that we heard since we share a brain.

"Aren't you the pro hero Ms Joke's son!?!" A reporter asked.

"Oh my god he is!"

"I need to go to the nurse's office bye!" I said quickly then ran away.

"Nice save monsieur" Mido said.

"I would have taken control if you really couldn't handle the situation" Yami said.

"No Yami we're trying to be heroes" I told him.

"We" continue talking until we reach the classroom and take our seat.

Later on dad arrives with the rest of the students and starts homeroom.

"I went over your results and Bakugou, learn to cooperate more of you keep acting on what you want like a child you'll never achieve anything."

"Dang roasted" Yamikumo thought.

"Fukukado and Todoroki both of you did well and show the difference of normal students and recommended keep up the good work."

"Uhhhh police? I think somebody kidnapped dad and swapped him" Akatani said making me fight back laughter.

"So today we are going to do something to help determine your futures" he said seriously.

"I DONT LIKE THAT TONE!" Akatani said terrified.

"Even I'm getting nervous!" Yami and Mido said.

"We're going to pick class rep" he said.

"What a normal school activity!" "We" thought.

Our classmates started raising their hands and saying how they should be rep.

"Mikumo" Izu said.

"Yes?" Mikumo asked.

"Why does everyone want to be class rep? That's just a set of responsibilities to do!" Izu asked.

"Well Izu it looks very good in your application if you were class rep in high school" Mikumo answered.

(Iida's voting explanation)

"And the results are" Aizawa said as he looked at the results. "Midoriya as rep and Yaoyorozu as deputy."

"I can live with Midoriya as rep" Kirishima said.

"More like class reps" Kaminari said.

"At least we got a cute one~" Mina said.

The number of votes were shown and I got four votes while Yaoyorozu got two.

"That means... four people voted for us" Akatani said shocked.

"I'm surprised as well I didn't think our impression to them was good enough for rep" Yamikumo said.

"Yeah I was sure Yaoyorozu would win and we even collectively agreed on voting for her" Mikumo said.

"Well life always comes with surprises~" Mido said.

"Okay But Mikumo take control please" I pleaded and he agreed and our eyes went dark blue as we walked to the front.

"Thank you for voting for me I won't let you down as rep. Feel free to tell me any complaints or problems you have" Mikumo said.

"Oh! Mikumo's in control right?" Hagakure asked.

"Good job Hagakure did my eye color give it away?"

"Pretty much along with your cool and serious tone!"

"We pledge to follow our duties as class reps" Mikumo said.

"I pledge to follow as well as deputy" Yaoyorozu said.

Later on in the cafeteria, I sat with Kirishima, Mina and Kaminari since I promised to and while we eat an alarm goes off.

"It means someone broke in! This hasn't happened in my three years here!" A third year said as he ran off.

All the students stared stampeding and I look at the window to see it was just the media.

"Wow first they give Izu and Tani anxiety then they nearly get us crushed we should honestly follow dad's footsteps" Yamikumo said.

"Mido! Can you float us up?" I asked.

"Of course!" He said as he took control and floated us up and put us on the emergency exit.

"EVERYBODY! ITS JUST THE MEDIA CALM DOWN!" I yelled and the students look out to see the media.

The students then calm down and go back to the cafeteria and I jump down landing on all fours.

"Nice job Fukukado!" Kirishima and Kaminari complimented high giving me.

"I knew voting you was a smart choice" A voice from the crowd said and we turned our attention there to see Asui.

"Your one of the four that voted for us" I asked.

"It seemed logical with your strategy in the battle training and you seem to see through some teachers' teaching kero" Asui answered.

"Thanks Asui" I said blushing from her words.

"Call me Tsu"

"Got it Tsu"

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