And then it dawn in me again that I destroyed a perfect relationship.

Everywhere I go, thing's always get fucked up, "I'm sorry Virgo I didn't mean that," Olo apologies.

I could tell he wasn't trying to argue, he's just scared someone will come along and destroy there relationship.

"It's okay bro," I tell him and start to push the door open.

"Okay Olo, Oh before I go, here's a smartphone, if you need me, my number and Frank's are in your contact, you can call me anytime," he says and hands me s new iPhone.

I wasn't really a fan of iPhones or most smartphones but I accept his offer.

"Thanks I'll call you, if I need you," and close the door and enter the room.

After getting into the room, I look around and like what I saw.

"My talk with Olo reminded me that my mate was in love with someone else, I didn't care when I tried to mark him, now I still want him but I won't force him, if he doesn't want me, I'll still love him," I thought as I stepped into the room.

The moment I sniffed the room to get a smell of the the room, my nose is assaulted by the most wonderful smell in the world.

I remember this scent, "this can't be happening, my mate is near by," I thought.

I was trying as hard as possible to resist his scent, my throat was getting dry.

I wanted to run out of the room, but I didn't want to do anything stupid because I agitated.

I finally couldn't take it anymore and decided to see him.

"I never expected my mate to affect me this much, his scent alone was driving me crazy, how can he smell this sweat," I wondered to myself.

I stopped walking as I reached what looked like one of the bedrooms in the suit.

Opening the door, I saw the same face that haunted my thoughts. He was so sexy.

"But he belongs to someone else," I thought.

"What are you doing here" I growled out at him.

"So now you don't want me, after the stunt you pulled," he asks me cynically.

"No I want you, no I mean why don't you have a boyfriend," I asks him.

"Yeah I had a wonderful boyfriend that I loved so much and I thought that loved me so much, but he decided that he doesn't want me, he kicked me out of his life and begged me to get with another guy," he says with so much venom.

I was caught off guard by his response, I was glad that there relationship was over and in the flip side i felt like shit because I knew that I'm the cause of there break up.

"I'll talk to Chester, I do___" but before I could finish he cut me off and says.

"Don't f*cking talk to Chester, don't," he warned me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you," I tell him.

"Upset me I'm, you fuc*ing destroyed my life, I was peaceful happy with my boyfriends of many years," I puffed out angry.

"Look I'm sorry for what I did to you and Chester and if I could go back I would fix this," I tell him.

"Good then! fix every fuc*ing thing. just let's get this fucking think over so I can get back to Chester," he says.

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

"Let's mate and break this curse so we can go our separate ways," he states.

I wanted to mate him here after hearing his argument. But I don't want it this way. I want more than a mate, I want someone to love me, someone to cherish.

Even if he's my mate, I don't want him this way. "Moon help me," I closed my eyes and prayed.

"Hurry up before I change my mind idiot," he says.

Opening my eyes I look down at my mate and turn away without saying a word.

"What the hell are you doing," he yelled at me.

But didn't acknowledge him and closed the door.

There was another room, so I took that one as mine.

I was stepping inside when I heard him call me bastard.

That word it irk me, it was like a trigger for me.

He was standing beside as I held the door to enter the room. He caught up to me and yanked my hand away from the door.

His touch was amazing but before I could enjoy it he call s me bastard again.

"Bastard didn't you hear me calling you," he says to me harshly.

"Don't call me that," I warned him and pulled his hand from the door.

Moving swiftly I by pass him and slam the door and inter inside.

"Motherfu*ker open up, you Fu*king bastard, now you don't want to see me, after the stunt you pulled," he cursed.

He cursed me for over an hour before it got quite.

After he was gone I slid under the quilt and went to bed.

Please read and enjoy.

This story is interesting.

I want to get 9 more chapters out.

Wish me luck.

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