Chapter 35

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Once the doctor is finished with my sister and my family heads out of the room, he goes through my check up and prepares me for the paternity test. We had an ultrasound done but I didn't want to know anything other than the baby being okay. Thankfully, even with all my stress, The doctor said everything is going as it should. I asked he be as vague as possible but also telling me whether everything was going well or not. Elijah is holding my hand as I'm laying here. He looks troubled. I reach up and cup his cheek.
"What's the matter?"

"Maybe...we shouldn't do this..." he tells me.

"What do you mean?"

"The test...what will happen if it's not mine...? Will you go back to him?"

"No, never. His mark is gone, I am no longer tethered to him." My brow furrows.

"If the child is his...I will still love you no matter what but he will be in your life."

"Not if I have anything to say about it. He's abusive, hotheaded and I don't want him around my child. We shouldn't be thinking like this. This baby is yours." I take his hand again and kiss the back of it.

"How are you so certain...? It was only 3 days apart that you slept with all honesty, it's a 50/50 chance it's his..."

"I just know it in my heart. Believe in me like I believe in you." He sighs and looks at me.

"Then I'll love the kid like my own...for our sake if it is his. I love you." He kisses my head.

"I love you too and you are...way more than what I deserve. If you had the choice to sever our bond, would  you have done it?"

"No...never. I loved you before we were mated. There's no changing that."

"I don't get it...why do you love me so much...?"

"Because you are fierce, you know what you want and you take it. You can be reckless but fight for what you believe in and boy, are you a fighter. You take shit from no one. Not to mention, you are just...perfect in every way. I love the way your hair is long with the slightest wave to it, white as snow. You're wild at heart and free in spirit. I love the way your gorgeous blue eyes sparkle when you talk about something you're interested in, the way you can't help but smile when you think of me- and yes I know when you're thinking of me. I love your body, all your scars and curves, the way your eyebrow twitches a little when you're thinking too much about something- I've studied you for years, Josi...I've been in love with you way longer than you've known." I look at him, tears welling in my eyes. I never knew the depths of his true love for me and I'm so glad I'm learning this now. I needed the confidence boost. After hearing degrading remarks from Darius all this time, I just need someone to truly lift me up. Elijah does that for me...he always has. He wipes the tears from my eyes gently, smiling at me. "I will always love and cherish you til the day I die..." I pull him down for a kiss. He kisses back, feeling through my hair a bit.

"How did I get so lucky?" I ask, gently touching my forehead to his

"I'm the lucky one..."

"Alright, are you ready for your test?" The doctor asks. Elijah and I look at each other.

" have the right to's your choice. I'll stand by your decision."

"Okay..." I nod, thinking about it. My faith in Elijah is unwavering but...I want to know the truth.

"I'll go through with the test but as first, only allow me to know...I want to tell Elijah myself, no matter the results."

"As you wish my prince. I'll just need a quick blood sample from you and a cheek swab from Elijah then I'll have your results if your DNA samples match then Elijah is the father. If not...then there's only one other person that could be."

"Thank you, Doctor." I thank him and he bows his head slightly. He begins drawing a small amount of blood from my arm, then taking Elijah's cheek sample

"It won't be long. Come back in a couple hours and I should have your results."

"Thank you. We'll come back when they're ready."
Elijah nods and helps me off the bench. "Easy now, love."

"I'm not crippled you know." I chuckle.

"I know. But I don't want you to strain yourself."

"I hopped off a bench, I'm not gonna die." I laugh at him, shaking my head.

"I know but I wanna take care of you still." He kisses my cheek and we re-join my family in the mean time. We talk and laugh, my father and mother clinging to each other as if their lives depend on it. I'm so glad she's here when we truly need her the most. Just as the doctor said, he comes over to Elijah and I and whispers that he needs to speak to us in private. He seems rather serious about the matter. We walk with him back into his office and he closes the door behind us.

"Alpha regent, Prince asked me not to disclose the nature of your offspring because you wished to have some excitement to this but I want to inform you that you, Josilus are indeed carrying twins as your mother did, but I regret to inform you that in a rare case of events...they have different fathers."

"I'm sorry..." I close my eyes, not even fully grasping what he just said, let alone that I am carrying twins, "did you say different fathers? How is that even physically possible?!"

"It's something called superfecundation. Since you were with the two of them within the same cycle, they both were miraculously able to impregnate is a rare feat is your reality. I tracked Elijah's DNA and a separate DNA from the both of you so that's how I know. It's the only explanation."

"I want to throw up...this cannot be happening..." I shake my head.

"I'll...leave you two to have a moment to discuss the information...I am sincerely sorry for what's happened." The doctor nods and leaves us in the room. Elijah and I are both speechless after he's gone. Neither of us know how to react.

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