Chapter 28

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Once we've arrive back home, I feel Ross's arms around me, carrying me inside as I drift in and out of sleep. He brings me to our bedroom and lays me down on our bed. Everything belongs to the both of's insane to think about, especially with Ross. I never thought I'd fall for him, not this hard. It didn't take long. Since we became mates and secured our bond the first time, it was the most amazing experience either of us have ever had and in that moment we realized we honestly have been quiet about our true feelings towards each other all these years. Ross, Josi and I have always been the best of friends since birth. We always played together, shared our deepest secrets and desires with each other, we were inseparable. When I couldn't be with Josi, I was with Ross, always hanging out with him, talking, laughing. I didn't realize how smitten I was all that time. Starting off as close friends really made for a strong relationship with him that I never knew I needed. He's my everything now and I'm his. That will never change since we mate for life. Now laying in bed, waking up just a little, I find myself wanting to curl up against his body and surround myself in his warmth. I whine a little, gripping at the sheets.

"I'll join you in a minute, my love. Just hold on." He seems to be in the room, probably getting into some cozy clothes. He knows I like it when he's all soft. After a few minutes of me whining as I'm half asleep, my mate finally comes to join me in bed and sure enough, he's wearing his soft sweatpants and sweater. I quickly find my way to his body, latching onto him like a koala would to a branch. I kiss his cheek and a gentle hand starts feeling through my white hair.
"Are you comfortable now, Jru?"

"Yes babe~" a smile forms on my lips before I start gently kissing his chest.

"I like hearing you say that..." he says. I can almost hear the grin on his face.

"Well you are technically my husband now, I'm deeply in love with you and having your baby. I have no reason not to call you that."

"Do you think we truly love each other or do you think we just feel this way because the goddess wants us to...?" Ross asks suddenly although, it has probably been lingering on our minds.

"I think we've always had something but we were just too afraid to admit it. I think us being mated forced us to give each other a real chance and...well it just caused it to amplify our feelings for each other." I nod, finally saying what I've been thinking all along.

"You know what? you're right. I feel like we've been pushing down our feelings because we never thought we would be anything and here we are, mr and mrs alpha," he chuckles.

"Ha, yeah. Since you're with me now you've been bumped up. Look at you, moving up in the world." He shook his head.

"That seems so weird to think about. I've literally fucked my way to the top. How hilarious is that?" He chuckles.

"Well it's not exactly like you had a choice."

"Well, that's not 100% true. I could've rejected you, you could've rejected me but neither of us did and we had time to do so. We just didn't want to because 1, the sex is amazing. 2, we're just crazy about each other without the goddess's will. We were meant to be. Sadly, Josi isn't so lucky. He's stuck with Darius. At least we know what happened wasn't supposed to happen and it can be fixed." He nods.

"You're right. Let's just see what Elijah says and how many warriors we can get on board."

"Amen to that. Now, time for you to get some real sleep my beautiful wife~"

"Oh yeah~ you're gonna make me go to sleep~?" I say teasingly.

"Oh is that what you want~?" He licks his lips a bit.

"Mhmm~" I bite my lip pulling Ross in for a kiss. He leans in and I press my lips against his, intertwining myself with him. My leg wraps around his, fingers pushing through his angel soft hair. He shifts a bit so he's on top of me. His hands trails up my side but pauses to caress my stomach gently.
"I'm not crushing you, am I?"

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