Chapter 26

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In the middle of our lunch, a tall man with silver hair and a dashing smile walks over to our table. He has a laptop carrier strapped on his shoulder.
"Josiah! My god you haven't aged a day but your she sure has grown up. They all grow up fast, don't they?"

"I know, I can't believe I'll be a grandfather soon as well."

"A grandfather? Wow. That is crazy. Look at you though, you still look as if you're in your twenties." He chuckles, sitting down.

"So, my good friend, what have you got for us?" The mayor pulls an envelope from his bag and opens it, showing a picture of a medium brown-skinned girl with dark brown curls and blonde tips.

"Her name is Rae Lucas. She's a witch who lives in the area. We keep tabs on her but she usually keeps a low profile up until a few weeks ago during the blood moon which I'm aware was your birthday, Jrusilla...when you came of age. She disappeared that night and showed up 3 weeks later...past the time which I was informed that Josilus was taken with this Darius person."

"That seems to line up...any idea about where she is now?"

"I have my own witch who has a tracking spell on our lady Rae here. I will call her." He gets his phone out and dials her number.

"Amara, What's Rae's location?"

"She's currently in her apartment. Give the princess the address." The mayor grabs a napkin and a pen from his pocket, beginning to write the adress on it before handing it to me.

"Thank you sir. We appreciate your help." I immediately stand up.

"Whoa, whoa, she could be dangerous."

"I can handle myself Ross." I roll my eyes, beginning to walk off only to have my hand be held back by him.

"I can't let you go alone...I don't want you and the baby to get hurt..." I sigh.

"Fine...come on. I'm going with or without you and if you're really worried, I suggest you decided what you wanna do quickly." I start walking out of the cafe.

"God I'm so in love with that woman..." Ross then gets up and follows me. "Coming honey~!!" He catches up and slips his arm around my waist as we walk back to the car.
"You know I love how sexy you are when you're demanding."

"Well I'm glad you find me sexy. I don't think I'll be so sexy in a few months." He frowns.

"Babe, you'll always be sexy to me...and if I'm being honest, I've always had a...small crush on you but I doubted you'd ever see me as more than your brother's best friend."

"Well you were always kinda my best friend too. That's kinda what makes this so're my best friend and I'm in love with happened pretty fast but I can't deny it. I love you Ross...and i think it's kinda cute that you've had a crush on me." I kiss his cheek, feeling odd that I really mean every word of what I just said. "I may have had a crush on you too..."

"Aw Jru..." he nuzzles me, "I love you too. Let's find that witch now." He opens the car door for me and lets me get in before he shuts it for me and gets in on the drivers side and starts up the car. He then sets up the GPS to direct us to the witch's apartment.

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