Chapter 22

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I get myself ready for dinner although I'm dreading the thought of having to sit next to Darius after he almost ripped my hair out of my head. Just being near him makes me nauseous. I want to be free of this hell. There has to be a better way than this, better than waiting 8 more months in order to be with my true fated mate. Elijah and I are meant to be together and I won't let Darius keep me from him. I've been pushed away by my love long enough. I shouldn't have to do this anymore.
Goddess, give me strength... I plead to the moon goddess, hands clasped together to my chest. After I finish up my mini prayer, I start making my way down the steps, taking my time as I am with child after all. I am proudly wearing a form fitting romper. Though I'm barely showing, I still want to be able to show it off. I really have always wanted to marry and start a family with Elijah. I believe this is my chance so I try to focus on that. Despite the situation, I'm happy to be alive, happy I'm growing a little life inside of me, I'm looking forward to the possibility of going home, seeing my family again, seeing my best friend again, seeing the love of my life and holding him tight. Hopefully I can get back before I give birth, otherwise I'd be putting myself and my young at a huge risk...Darius will have access to them at any given time. I don't want that at all. Brel was right, in the womb is the safest place right now. I try to avoid Darius for as long as I can, beginning to make my way through the crowd. Just then I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"There you are my love," I hear Darius' voice from behind me. I put on my best fake smile and turn to him.

"I was just looking for you," I say, keeping space between us by putting my hands on his chest.

"Great. Your question got me's obvious you don't want to hide it and pretty soon we won't be able I thought perhaps, we should share it with our pack." My eyes widen a bit.

"Seriously...?" I ask, knowing he really doesn't want to.

"I'd rather say something before people start asking when you're due."

"They already are..." I mumble.

"What? Who?" He suddenly seems angry.

"It doesn't matter...we're gonna tell everyone, no need to worry about it." He huffs.

"Fine..I'll announce it at the dinner table, go mingle." I sigh, hearing the dread in his voice which almost makes me smile. Someone like him shouldn't be spoiled to have everything he wants in life. At some point, somebody had to truly say no to him and I'm glad it was me. He can't have it all. I won't let him keep me like some trophy. With every small bit of freedom is a chance for me to expand my knowledge to escape this nightmare. As I begin to wander through the crowd of buzzing voices. I find Araura and her mate talking. I walk over to them.
"Hey Aurora," I smile, "I don't think I've formally met your mate."

"Ohh, right. Micah, this is Josilus."

"That's right. Nice to finally meet you. I was at your party." I didn't expect to hear that right now. If he was at my party, that means he knows everything that happened...I had Darius locked up while I ran off and mated with Elijah. God, he probably hates my guts.

"So, did you enjoy your time?" I ask wondering if his wife knows anything.

"I did. It was a nice party. Oh, Aurora, weren't you supposed to go talk to Lily about something?"

"Oh! That's right. I have to go but I'll be back." I nod to her before looking back at her husband.


"If you're wondering about what I know, yes, I know everything. I know you mated with 'he who shall not be named' and Darius. I know know..." he looks at my stomach for a moment.

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