Chapter 36

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"This can't be happening..." I repeat to myself over and over as I pace back and forth.


"This has to be some sick game- some joke right? There's no way this can even happen!"

"Josi," Elijah repeats trying to break me from my nervous rambling.

"This has to be apart of the spell- to trick us! To make us think Darius is the rightful father!"

"Josi!" He finally grabs me, holding me still "Do you hear yourself right now?"

"There has to be some explanation...something...I can't have his baby, I can't!"

"Josi relax...deep breaths...this is our reality now. What we do with it is our business. You have two choices unless you want to completely abort which I know you don't, either you give the child up for adoption when they are born or you keep the child and raise them properly. Your choice. Both of them are your children now. I will accept them as mine even if they don't look like me... I'm hoping they both take after you...and how perfect you are...even if one belongs to Darius, I will fight him...he doesn't have to know- no one has to know. We can walk out of this room and I will claim them both..."

"Are you sure...? I just feel like this is all my-,"

"Shh..." he hushes me before I say anymore, "I will not let you blame yourself for what happened between you and Darius. What happened was completely out of your control. You didn't want to be with him and your feelings for him disappeared with the mark he gave you, didn't they?"

"Yes...Elijah, I truly don't deserve you..." I stroke his cheek gently.

"It is I who doesn't deserve you." He kisses my forehead.

"'ll stand by me no matter what...?"

"Always." He takes my hands.

"Then...we'll raise them both together...although I'm surprised Darius hasn't come to attack us yet..." conveniently, there's the sound of glass breaking and screams. Elijah and I both look at each other.

"You can't go out there," he quickly tells me.

"I have to- my family!"

"I'll make sure they're safe. Lock yourself in here."

"No! He came for me so let's give him what he wants." I hold his hand tightly, determined to finish this. Elijah looks at me for a moment, seeing that I can't be stopped so he nods.

"Okay...just stay behind me. Let me do the talking for now."

"Fine..." I follow him out of the room and see dead and injured all around...the carnage is appalling. How did he get past our guards? There were two dozens on the perimeter...
I then see all the warriors he has with him. Darius is holding my sister with a blade to her neck. Darius has been scratched and beaten, most likely by her.

"Tell me where the little whore is! I'll kill your alpha and her baby right now!!" Darius shouts. He looks crazed...hungry for blood. His wolf has taken complete control. My family is stuck, not knowing what to do.

"Let my mate go!!" Ross is fighting everything in himself not to tear Darius apart while his mate is in his arms.

"Not until Josilus faces me!"

"I'm right here!" I step from behind Elijah, making myself present.

"Josi!" Elijah tries to stop me but I push him back.

"Let my sister go...we can talk this out. I'm the one you want, right?"

"You will die for what you've done." He growls at me.

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